Anyone got a killer pattern for suckers? The spawn is on, and I want to get down and do some catching. I got one last night on a caddis imitation, but nothing else. Will they take a streamer? Anyone had any good luck with egg patterns? Just wondering, they sure put up a good fight, and Its only five minutes away from my house. Any information is appreciated. Thanks
what is the point of useing a fly on suckers? just put a worm on and catch all the suckers you want!! thats what i would do any way..
dude on fish?
tie up big hair ears. it's worked for me before. but most of the time I just use a ice jig under a small bubble with just a real small part of a worm like only 1/16" or less. if you want to use your fly pole you still can use the ice fly.
Try this link:
[url ""][/url]
I'm going to try to hook into some carp myself on the flyrod. I've always wanted to go bonefishing and from what I understand, carp on a flyrod is the closest thing to it. Good luck!
Thanks guys, and Emuscud, That article was pretty cool. Ive tried over and over for carp over at the sunset ponds with flies, but never hooked up. That popcorn fly is genius. Anyone got any "hotspots" for carp? Murray park was pretty good a few years ago, but last year it had no fish, they were all dead. Anyone know if its the same way this year?
Utah Lake is loaded with them. I would estimate the average carp size on Utah Lake to be around 4-7 lbs. Because it has shallow shore lines with a fairly firm bottom, you can see the carp tailing and crusing around. I have to admit that I've had more of a rush casting to a crusing carp at the mouth of the Provo river than dry-fly fishing up in the canyon. The water clarity where the Provo dumps into Utah lake is suprizingly clear, especially in calm conditions. For me, its being able to watch the whole process, the cast, watching the carp approach the area of your fly and just waiting for the take. If you miss those ones, there will be another group crusing by in a matter of seconds.
Hope you get into them this year.
Well, I'm new to the board, but I just couldn't resist. Fly patterns for suckers? About half of the patterns out there are for suckers! [

] No, seriously I hope you have good luck finding some productive ones.
Use a size 12 or 14 prince nymph with alot of weight, enough to get it to the bottom, keep the slack out of your line because they strike very softly and you have to be quick to hook it.
Should I use a tiny strike indicator instead of a big one? How often do you fish for them? I'll probably head down there again soon and give her a go. Thanks for the info.
There is a big hole on the Weber that I used to regularly catch suckers, the strike indicators that I used were the little stick together type, I put 2 on about 6 inches apart. I do not know if this would work in a lake.