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I was fishing on the Pineview Res. in Northern Utah with a friend of mine. In the old days, they used to drive old cars out on the ice and let them sink in the spring and use them as fish cribs.

We were fishing in the fall and after about a half day of not seeing a single fish my friend Chris gets a hit. Just like a big musky would do, it made a nice run and went right for the bottom. We had this fish on for over an hour when two divers came by. Asked how we were doing and told them that we had a big fish on and couldn't get it to budge. They offered to don their scuba gear and go down and see if they could see why we couldn't budge the fish.

After about 15 minutes one of the divers come up and says, "Man, that is the biggest fish I have ever seen in my life. It's bigger than my buddy that still down there".

Wow! we said. It's gotta be a world record. He also told me that it was hiding out in an old abandoned car. I told him to go down and see if he could beat on the roof or something to try to scare it out. Chris even offered them $100 each if they would get the fish out and if he caught it. So, the diver goes back down.

About 10 - 15 minutes later, both divers resurface. But we hadn't moved the fish at all. We asked what was going on. The one diver says, "We did everything we could do to scare that fish out. We beat on the sides and roof and hood and everything and the fish wouldn't budge." The other diver says "Mister, not only do you have a BIG fish, but he's also smart." Smart? How so? He said "Everytime we'd get near the fish, he'd roll up the windows."
That ia a good one Jason! LOL
now i see why they made you mod of the joke board [Wink]
haha good one! [Smile][Wink]ya chris i,ll agree. haha later