04-22-2004, 03:53 AM
I made a run to Hyrum this afternoon and got my old Johnson outboat fixed up and running good at Lee's Marine. Thanks for all the positive feedback to my previous post about Lee's. That is a great place and I highly recommend him to everyone. We got on Hyrum reservoir about 4:30 pm. The lake is within two feet of being clear full and going over the spillway. We picked up a rainbow on a spinner going along the bank by the car bodies and missed a few hits but that was all. The wind was blowing most of the time but no rain. We looked around the east and south ends towards the mouth. The water is up into the trees and willows now. My fish finder said the water temp was about 56 degrees but I don't think it was that warm. Still felt pretty cold to me. I didn't see any sign of bass activity yet. Probably still too cold for them to be turned on. I really enjoyed being out in nature and it sure beats working. Acey