I am trying to get back into fishing after a 20-25 year hyattus. I don't have a clue as to how to even get started beyond buying a rod and reel and some assorted gear, all of which I have done. I am planning to go early friday am somewhere close to slc and am interested in non trout and non catfish. The trout would be ok but I really want to learn to go after bass (I think).
I will probably go to deer creek or jordanelle, any ideas ? please help me.

Welcome aboard and welcome back. It too only started fishing again a few years ago. I fished alot as a child but then raising family and all that, I drifted away from it.My son-in-law got me started again. I am sure there are plenty of people here that will help you. I do not fish the SLC area.
I can't help you much with Bass but you've come to the right place, there are many here who can. From what I've read you might try the I-80 ponds.
Welcome to BFT and be sure to post a report when you get back from fishing!
I was just in hooked fishing tackle in kaysville and they had some great deals on rod and reel combos. You should check them out.
Thanks for the encouragment, where do I find the I-80 ponds
You might want to try Utah Lake also, should be great Bassin once the water warms up a bit more. Deer Creek, Jordenelle are all great places but I'm not sure if it has warmed up enough up there yet for some good bassin, you might want to wait for a nice warming trend.
Welcome to the board, you have come the the right place to find information out about fishing in Utah. Just ask away and when you are done with your first trip, post your story on the story board so all can read how you done.
[size 4][red]Again, Welcome to BFT!
Hey there subarukaich, Welcome to the BFT message boards and welcome back to the world of fishing. Everyone takes a sebatical from time to time. We are all glad to see that you didn't give up the sport alltogether. There is plenty of room for all of us here.
here are directions froma previous posting. Welcome aboard and welcome back to the wonderful world of fishing
Take I-15 to the Junction with I-80, then head out on I-80 West. Take the View Area exit 1 mile before the Tooele Exit, and it's right there on the right at the view area between the Great Salt Lake and the Freeway.
First, welcome. Next, don't get hung up on Bass, they are great but it is still very early for them to turn on unless you go south to Powell, Sand Holow or Quail Creek.
The I-80 ponds will wet your whistle but just fish anywhere you can. With the past cold week trout will be what's biting. be happy about that as they will move deeper as the bass become more active.
Just fish thats what matters.
Wow! 25 years without fishing? How in the world did you survive?[shocked] I am very glad you found us. There is a plethora of info here. Unfortunately, when it comes to Bass you'll have to rely on some of the others around here. But I am sure you'll find lots of folks willing to share
Welcome to the site! Man, you've been without fishing longer than I've been alive! lol. If you definatly want bass, try the I-80 pond, or go out to skull valley & give Rock bottom or Horse shoe a try. If you want, I could send you a PM with info on the how/when/where's of them. Even willow pond would be good with a slight warming trend. Just put a worm with no weight in front of them and they'll bite. Good luck!!!
I didn't know there were fish in Horseshoe Springs... Makes you wonder how the fish got there. Of course any place with that many mosquitoes has to have pretty good fishing. Have you actually fished there??
Utah Lake is your best bet. Any of the harbors. PM me and I will get you started. When I return in Latter-June, I will gladly take you out!
I've fished there so many times I've lost count. There are a few good fish in those ponds out there. Last winter my ex caught a lmb that was 7 pounds. Their very over looked.