[size 1]Hello Fellow BFT Members,
I've been reading all of your comments on the Utah General Discussion Board for several months now, so I thought I better register and say, "Howdy." This message forum is without a doubt the best fishing-related resource for Utah anglers that I've seen.
Also, I appreciate how clean and appropriate the content is on this site and how respectful BFT members are to each other as various opinions are expressed and insights are shared.
As far as personal information goes, I have been fly fishing almost exclusively for the past several years, but my two oldest sons are now getting to the point that I'd like to be spending most of my Saturdays with them instead of going solo on a trout stream with my fly rod.
I recently purchased an older aluminum boat and 15 hp motor and am looking forward to hitting Strawberry and Scofield with my boys. I've also heard several good things about other Utah bodies of water such as Rockport, Sand Hollow, Pelican, and a couple others that I've yet to visit.
Any insights that any of you would like to share with a first-time boat owner who really wants to get his 7- and 5-year-old sons hooked on fishing would be greatly appreciated.
That's about it. I'm looking forward to the discussions I'll have with many of you on this board!
Welcome to the board!!! You will find alot of insite about all different aspects of fishing and equipping that boat you have.
Welcome aboard! Glad you signed up. This site really is the best.
Glad you found us. Welcome to the boards.
Hey Princefisher welcome!! My dad has always taken us kids out in his canoe on Strawberry since we were little. We had good success trolling flatfish and rapalas, as well as baitfishing with powerbait and worm and marshmallow combos. We loved it and loved spending time with him. I have lots of great memories. Now that I'll be a father too in a few months, I can't wait to do the same with my son.
Welcome to BFT!!!
Welcome PrinceFisher!
hey and welcome abord!!
that best way i have found to get kidds in a boat to enjoy fishing is to troll.. it is real EZ for them to get the hang of and gives them some thing to do..if the fish are not hitting then they can be looking for other things to try..
have fun with it..
dude on fish?
Welcome. I am glad to hear we have some young up and coming fisherman.There is alot of info. here.
Your story is very similar to mine. I found it wasn't practical to go tromping around swift rivers with small boys trying to teach them to fly fish. We don't have a boat but we have 3 tubes that we strap together so we can fish together. This is great fun but our family favorite is ice fishing! If you already have the fly gear just try trolling flies from your boat at the Berry or Scofield. It works great!
Mine are getting old enough (ten and seven) that I think this might be the year to take them fly fishing on the river.
PM me if you want to talk "shop". Welcome aboard!
welcome to the site. Make sure you check out rockport it has had great fishing the last couple of years from boats and from shore.
Welcome princefisher. Getting kids interested in fishing is easy. Just take them where they'll catch lots of fish. Soon the panfish spawn will be in full swing, and they'll have lots of fun catching the little buggers.
I'm hoping to get my younger son into fly fishing this year.
Good luck.
Welcome princefisher, I am a brand new member myself. I just moved to slc from vernal. You mentioned that you wanted to get your new boat on Pelican. the others you mentioned I don't know much about but pelican used to be one of my haunts. After the water warms up (mid-may on), Pelican would be an awsome spot to introduce small kids to flyfishing. The bluegill will hit anything and fight hard. My recommendation is Cherynoble Ants (size 2-6) in any color. Set just outside the reed line and cast your fly back into the openings in the reeds. about every 10 seconds give the fly a little pop or wiggle. It's great topwater action and you don't need any skill or technique to catch a boat load of fish. Use a heavy leader 10lbs or so, or you will lose a lot of flies in the reeds, the heavy leader doesn't seem to slow the fishing at all. Best of all you can fish poppers, strip buggers, or other minnow patterns, or even use classic bass gear and chase the very abudant largemouth population at the same time the kids are slaying the bluegill. From June on Pelican is one of the hottest lakes I have ever seen for topwater bass. Have fun!
man if you ant to have some fun with your sons as well as some fun with your flyrod try pelican lake the bluegills will be in peak of spawn around mothers day weekend. when there on there beds they are super aggressive and will eat almost anything thrown at them give your sons a small curlytail under a red and white bobber tipped with worm if action is not fast enough. floating line on your flyrod stripped through the holes in the weeds i tie a dumbell headed woolly bugger with some rubber legs added and crush them there the weight of the dumbell is just enough to get you down in the zone. im talking 100+ days there when there spawning. and big gills too drag me around in my tube. give it a try i think you could have alot of fun there with your boys. and as far as flies go anything big and hairy wil work there i like blacks and browns the best good luck.
Big Jim
Welcome to the site PrinceFisher!
Hey man, welcome. What made you decide to call yourself "PrinceFisher"? Do you fish prince nymphs a lot? Just wondering. If so, sweet. The prince nymph is the best fly out there in my mind.
My big "secret" for trolling in a boat is to use a flyrod with type III sinking line. Troll buggers, leaches, or as your name implies nymphs. My kids enjoy feeling the fish on a flyrod and yet you can just strip the line out so you do not have to worry about wind knots and caos that comes with teaching kids traditional flyfishing.
Troll very slowly and have the people who are fishing sweep the rods forward every once in a while to add action to the flies.
Good Luck and Welcome
Hey All:
Thanks for all of your "Welcomes" and your suggestions regarding where I should take my sons with the new boat.
A couple of you have asked where I got the name "PrinceFisher." Well, it's simple really. My last name is "Prince," and I know of a very cool species of bird called the "KingFisher," so I thought I'd add my name instead of the "King." Yes, I have fished with prince nymphs before while fly fishing, but the nymphs have nothing to do with my name.
Just a little insight, since a couple of you asked.
Thanks again everyone. This is really a great site!
always great to have new members. Welcome to the site PrinceFisher.