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[crazy] Went fishing yesterday with the girls and I started reeling in my line to cast in a different spot and I met with resistance. I thought I had a huge carp... but it ended up being my first ever snapping turtle. I got him to shore, but he broke the line before we got a picture. It was cool! I was fishing with a nightcrawler and a bobber!
i got one years ago on the same setup this thing was about 18" across the shell quiet a scary catch for a 10 year old glad it broke off next to shore as i probably just would have toosed the pole as it was only a cane pole anyways
Chris..I bet that about how big this guy was too...18 or so inches across. Once I got him next to shore, he dug into the ground and wouldn't budge!

That is when the line snapped. It was cool! Least it wasn't an old boot!
they sure are mean looking beasts this one had his mouth open hissing at me and everything the funniest thing i remember is i was fishing a pond behind a old mans house when he heard me hollering what i had man did he coming running shouting the whole way " don't let it get away we'll make soup out of it we'll make soup out of it " he sure was mad when it got away
Last year at the end of summer, I went to a aniversary thing for my mom's side and it was in Minnesota. It was at some apartment building thing and they in the back yard was this huge pond. It had bluegilll and pike in it. Their was a bridgegoing across it and there was people fishing on it. There was this little guy (probably 4 or 5 y/o) and he had a little snoopy fishing pole. But he got his line all tangled up and I think his mom was tired of fixing it so he was just watching the blugills under the bridge. The people I talked to said they were not catching anything. Not even 1 bite. The blugill were down there in good numbers, you could see them, but they wouldnt bite.

But being the fisherman I am, you know, I thought I could get one to bite[cool]. So I ask the mom if I could use her sons fishing pole. She says "Knock yourself out." So I get his line under control and tie on something like a fuzzy grub with a worm. So I'm jigging it up and down right in front of the bluegill's face and nothing. All of a sudden this HUGE snapping turtle comes out of no where and is headed right toward a bluegill and has dinner on his mind. Well he runs right into my jig and I snag him. Now all the little kids were yelling " bring him to shore!" So I make my way over to the shore and he is still hooked (but not through his skin, he his just hooked by the pressure of the rod.) So then I get him close to shore and there is this other little guy and a stick trying to touch him with it lol. The turtle takes a bite out of the stick and then swims away unharmed.

That was one huge snapping turtle though.
man they do get big and they have a h&*l of a temper nothing you want to reach out and pet on the head thats for sure
Good Story FisherMon (jamacain spelling)[Smile]. They sure are ugly but they do taste good!
Great story! They can also be real prolblems with stringers also. About two years ago My wife,daughter and I were out on a local lake that is stocked with trout. Well needless to say we were doing pretty good, and we were deciding to take a few home with us so I started keeping the better ones on a chain stringer, off the side of the boat. The fish were quite active after I put them on the stringer,or so I thought! About a half an hour later the chain started to rattle a bit and I never gave it a thought. A few minutes later more rattling,so I went to pick up the stringer of rainbows only to find resistance on the other end. After a quick battle of tug of war I lifted a snapper up right to the side of the boat only to find him grinning with one of the last full rainbows in his mouth. He let loose and my daughter with great dissappointment wondered if I could bait the next rod for turtle! We managed to catch a few more to suppress my daughters will to kill the next turtle she saw and she calmed down after I explained to her turtles have to eat too![crazy]
ya i caught a big one like that too. thought he was goona pull me in,. thought i had a carp. i had to laugh at louie, got him in, the line broke too. short thank god and louie wouldnt let it back in the water, everytime the turtle strted to move louie pounced at it until the next time and the turtle bounced back at him. louie didnt dare git too close anways and i was next to him to grab him anyways, haha so they turtle pounced toward louie and he said i dont think so george! haha he let him go then but barkin all the time he was headed towards the water. ahha what a hound. he was only 7 months old then. but the fish he learned to pick up in his mouth and lug em around. mister big king ----. ahha gotto keep the trout away from him.he.ll eat em. he says my fish! just good size suckers. [Smile][Wink]
[Wink][Smile]haha that ones funny, soup?? never had it. you?? haha later i ve seen where the indians at the show goes and makes stuff out of the shell. seen some big ones. or they just hang em. some are quite pretty. but they got to live to be quite old. osme of en. huh?? i wonde how ya can tell how old they are. someone once said to me it has somethin to do with lines or circles on there shell?? like a tree. hahaha well have fun fishin. i know louie was scat of one. tried gittin him not ot go back in the water but it didnt work. hahaha later
i think the things are to damm ugly to even think about eating
[Smile][Smile]haha hear ya! well just hope i dont see one on vacation. haha goin to americade, the bike thing in lake george this week. can,t wait.sat. amd then to another one. haha the next week. 3 weeks in all. so wil talk ot ya when we git back. got a new truck to go in! yeah! take the motorcycle in the back! haha and all the campin gear! ahha wel,, have enough stuff. looks like rain agin thsi year. like last! well wel,, be dry under the big tarp haha. and tent at least. ahah so have fun fishin. catch a good many.[Smile]
hope you have a great trip make sure to drop by and tell us all about it when you get back
[Smile]sure will, we got a new truck and a good heavy duty bike trailer goin with us. hahahaha nice truck, well new to us. good shape so we wont break down. jahahaseens good. haha later take care, have fun fishin the cotest. later mare[Smile]
I did not think there was any turtle in Utah [:/]