Fished the east side north of Cisco beach. Caught 1 Cutt and 1 Mac. Both were about 3-4 pounds. Got there late around 9:30 and fished until 1pm. Was pretty slow. Plenty of others trolling but did not see too many fish caught. My 7 year old couldn't understand why I released the fish so I explained to him how we release them and we can catch them another day. He seemed to understand but still wanted a fish to eat.[unsure] Maybe next time....
Thanks for the report IN, we have had few reports from Bear lake lately. With the good weather this weekend I was hoping we would hear some reports.
Anyone else hit Bear lake this weekend? WH2
Good report IdahoNative. It's nice to teach kids about selective harvest. It will benefit all of us in the future.
Bodine and myself fished Sat.& half of Sunday. 14 fish Sat. Nothing big. The largest was about 7#.Alot of fish in the 4-5# class. Sun we caught 13 fish. The largest about 6#. Both days we had an equal mix of cuts and macs. I had a 3# cutt almost to the boat when a 15+# mac tried to take him from me. Sure wish we would of had the video camera ready.
I was there and will verify that it actually happened. It is real neat when you see a fish of that size come half out of the water after another fish you are realing in.[

Sounds like you guys had a great couple of days and to see a big old mac try to take a fish away, Wow that must have been a sight. Has that ever happened to you before? How deep was the water you were fishing in? Thanks for the report. WH2
It was really cool and never has happened to either of us before. We were fishing in 70 feet of water.
I guess your using down riggers but would you mine telling me what lure was working the best? Thanks
Ya we was using elecrtric downriggers right off bottom. We were using rapalas but thats as far as I can go. Can't let all my secrets out.[

Thanks Jeff for the info, I've also heard that blue back flat fish will work good and black back rapalas so I've got a good start now. It sounds like the East side is the best place to fish this time of the year but do you guys fish the west side much in the spring? WH2
We fish the west side once in awhile with limited results. The east is definantly the best.