
Fished pineview today from 4:00pm-8:30pm. Hooked up with a muskie on my third cast. He was only 24" but he had alot of fight in him, he jumped out of the water two times trying to through my lure. Met Xman up there at 5:30 and tried to get him one but we could'nt find any takers. The water temperature varied from 49 degrees- 58 degrees.
The muskie was never taken out of the water and when I took the hook out of him he took off as fast as he could. He will live to fight another day.
glad you made it back home. thanks for the day on the water was a nice evening.
[font "Arial Black"][red][size 2] Hi MGB, glad to hear that the Musky are still there, can't wait to get up and get one myself.[/size][/red][/font]
[font "Arial Black"][#ff0000][size 2] AFDan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
Man, that is great! Congrats on the musky. What kind of lure did you take him on? Good luck on your next trip out.
cool nice to see them starting to hit a bit. looks like I need to get up there and start to hit um hard now. glad to see it swam away fast but I know you know what you are doing so you can save them when hooked. thanks
Congrats on your muskie . Glad to hear someone got one .
Caught him on a #9 perch patternm jointed rapala.
way to go mike with your first musky of the year loks look xman'n curse is still going strong hang in there dude i think this is the year you get one
Hey Aquaman, you wont't believe it but Xman's curse is over.
Thats all I am saying.
well good for him i'm heading up there tomorrow weather be dammed to try for my first this year
i dont know if the curse is over but i think it was more of mgbs skills as a expert muskie fisherman. i was more like the pre program machine just doing what its told. hehe thanks mgb again.
First off as hard as you have worked for a muskie you deserve a post and thread of your own.
Xman deserves all the credit. He never gave up and today he was rewarded with a 37" muskie. I can't wait to see the pictures I took of him holding that muskie.
The surface temperature was about 53-58 degrees today.
And a big CONGRATS to you !!!!!!
well thanks. wish she would have fought a bit harder but was worth the wait i think. thanks again for the outing. mgb is the man.
Way to go Enich! MGB got me my muskie also -- he knows how to catch them and is kind enough to help others get one.
i agree with you. i think he had more fun watching me catch that muskie than catching his next 3 haha.