[size 2]Hit Mantua yesterday was all by my self until about 11:00 then two more boats showed up. It was tough for me not use to fishing colder water, but I did catch one with a jig and a trailer. Had a good time first time this year in the boat.did not see any bass or blue gilles,got tired of throwing so I did troll the lake a couble of time no strikes. I think next trip will be Pineview .Thanks to all who visit this sight make my day at work easer.[/size]
Whats in Mantua and how do you get there?? Is it a good bass lake numberwise? i don't care about size but I like to hit a few lakes during the summer for ol bucketmouth and I would like to check out a little new water. Gills are an added bonus if they are in there......
Mantua is about 2 miles passed Brigham city if you were to go to logon. Bass and blue Giles and trout. Good spot to take kids . I think there is a good number of bass I end up catching the smaller ones but there still fun. I’m no expert on the lake I sure there will be a response from some of the other who visit it a lot.
tons of smaller bass around 12". you can catch one on every cast at times. Use weedles plastics or top water. I like to use poppers there. I t gets choked with weeds as the weather warms and beware of that nasty swimmers itch. Send a PM to Leaky he fishes it alot. He may be able to give you some more info. Good luck.
Chip Flipper,
Whats the vegetation like at Mantua this time of year? I was there last fall and you could almost walk across.[

[size 1] the vegetation is still low I had my boat were I could not go last year around july.I think I will wait awile before heading back up. They sure did a lot of improment nic bathroom. car parking,truck and trailer parking and sand on both sides of the ramp no more rocks it great.[/size]
You mean Mr. Plastics hasn't tried Mantua???? LOL You're not serious? When it gets much warmer, give it a shot, you'd enjoy it. It's our locakl Pelican with the added bonus of perch and trout. Keep all the perch you catch!!!
Same happened to me. I went up there I think last saturday. didn't have much luck. The thing about mantua it that in the summer the trout can only live in a small area so they reach the population limit pretty fast. When the water is still cool like this they are all over that lake and not too many of em. A lot harder to find. The bass and blue gill are still lethargic I think
Still a bit early but i've had good luck at Mantua in the early morning with top waters, then later on in the day with brown curly tail jigs. I've never targeted trout there, but I see alot of guys in kickboats, later in the year , going for them. I know they planted a ton of kamloop rainbows in a while back.---LICKER
No Leaky....... I haven't tried Mantua.....[blush] I had never actually heard anything about it until I started frequenting this board. I fished the I-80 ponds, pelican, deer creek and Jordanelle but had never really even thought about Mantua. Sounds like another place to add to my to do list...... Same tactics as normal on Pelican?? Why do you say keep all the perch?? Is there a no upgrading rule or are the perch overpopulating or something??
Yellow perch was illegally trance planted.
Yep, pretty much as Pelican except one BIG difference, no bait and no scented lures. You just hit a sore spot with me. You say you fish Jordanelle! About 4-5 years ago theat was by far my most favorite place to go to catch smallies!!!!! For me, it has gotten tougher and tougher! If you have any clues on how I can get back on track, would be most appreciative. Send me a pm if you want. Typically use plastics there mimicking perch/chub/minnows.
Chip Fiosher is right! Concern is for unwanted competition and over population of perch.
Leaving for New Orleans today so will be out of touch for a week.
