Well its another weekend after a massive cold front again, and these weekends after cold fronts have me all flustered. Any one have any idea where a hot spot will be for the weekend.
At this point i'll even settle for a luke warm spot[

i am heading to willard. i hope it is at least a warm point.[crazy]
I'm going to Jordanelle, only because I have to work on saturday and it's the closest place for me to run out to after I get off. I'm sure by the time I'm off of work the wind will be blowing so hard my little pontoon boat will be skipping from wake to wake over the white tops. As far as a hotspot, I just haven't had to time on the water this spring to find one yet. Good luck where ever you go.
I am heading up to scofield sunday hopefully the bite is still on![cool]
[cool]It's just my hunch, ocean, but I think you'll do well up there. It seems when the weather has been cold or stormy for a few days that the cold water places for trout do better than the warm water lakes do for those species i.e. bass, catfish, etc. Just my opinion. Good luck up there, but I don't think you'll need it.
I will be at I80-pond & Sat Utah lake Sun. I don't know how hot it will be??