Has anyone been to or herd about Pineview in the past few days? I'm thinking of heading up there this weekend. I went up last weekend and got skunked. Somebody fill me in.
If you want to fish Pineview the best thing to do is go and learn the structure . Not sure what you are after as far as fish . I would recommend fishing the flooded brush and by now it is all over around the lake . It will get better as it warms , but should be some fish in shallow . Last weekend I seen 3" perch swimming in the shallows .
Don't feel bad about being skunked . Happens a lot to me , but I keep trying . I started fishing Pineview last year , so I don't have all the secrets of it but did quite well last year .
What type of fishing do you do ? Fly , jig , lure , bait .
just go, I'm hitting tomarrow I hit it today and lost a musky in about 4' of water. on a spinner. so you never know. just try it if thats were you were thinking of.

] I havent fished pineveiw that much but it sounds like some pretty good advice that you have. I will be thier tomorrow(saterday). If you have a radio I will be on channel 12 and we can talk about whats working or not working. Anyhow hope you have a good day fishingl, i always have fun just being out! Good luck, Onemorecast
I mostly jig and lure fish. I like to fly fish, but I usually only do it on rivers for slimys. I've never caught muskies, but I'm determined to learn and I love to bass fish.
Well there is bass in there for sure . Jigs and lures work good , so you shouldn't have any problem hooking up on a few . Right now I would fish the snags for fish of all species . Rocks are good for the smallies . Muskie , I can't help much , but just keep casting is all I do .