hey mike figured i would post that musky you caught for me and i just reeled in hehe. the pictures turned out ok but we cut her in half about.
I caught for you? You're the one that caught her.
I had a feeling I might of cut some of the fish out of the picture. You where too close but if I would of centered you in the picture I would of got all of the fish. We where in a hurry to get the fish back in the water and did'nt spend the time to pose for the picture just right.
Nice catch!
that just means i have to catch another one for a full picture right? i think they turned out alright though for a disposable. ill look forward to the next outing.
Hey there X how have you been, Ya know we need to get together again and fling a few jiggs. It sounds like your fishing with mike was great. He's good people. (accept around april fools). We deffinately need to get together again though.
I'd also like to get with MGB and hit pineview and learn some of his tricks. I allready know one real well.
Nice Musky for your first.
heck how about another jordanelle trip. havent seen you guys in what a year?
Hey where's the

? After making that many casts I would have thought you would be grinning for ear to ear!
nice fish X. now i need to get me one like that...
Nice fish , I hope to get one again this year . Or 2 !!!!!!
i want one . were can you buy a fish like that. i hope to get a chance to get one of those this year
if i

d then it would make it look like i enjoyed the satisfaction of ending my long lasting relationship with my nemesis and arch villain fish. i have to catch another one any cuz the tail is cut off in the picture.
[cool][blue][size 1]Hey Mr. X, I know how it is to get back the pics of big fish and find out the "photographer" didn't know how to frame the shot...to include the fish.[/size][/blue]
[#0000ff][size 1]The attached pic is of a couple of large salmon I caught on flies in the American River in Sacramento. I actually hooked over 40 fish that afternoon and beached about half of them. [/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]I kept those two females for roe, for the upcoming steelhead action. Normally I did not keep any salmon...especially when they have been in fresh water long enough to start "coloring up". Their flesh is not as good then, but they do fine in the smoker.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]The photographer was my EX wife (before TubeBabe). That wasn't the only reason she became an EX, but it counts in the final score.[/size][/#0000ff]
oh man that was defintiely a halfer shot. we were in a hurry to send the fishy back home so im not concerned about it being cut off. the photographer did the best they could. those look like some big salmon from at least their heads hehe.
"The photographer did'nt know how to frame the shot"[:|]
Hey! I wanted to get the muskie back in the water as fast as I could even at the expense of the picture. I was,nt familar with that camera. If I would of had my own it would of turned out better or if Xman would of stood back alittle more it would of helped. After we let the fish go I warned Xman that I might of cut part of the fish out of the picture.[laugh]
SWEEEET!! Xman, I knew you'd keep pitching them lures. One of the best fighting fish I have caught. Now I know your hooked. Congrats are certainly in order.
Wow pat what were you about 20 when that pic was taken LOL.
I'm going to Pineview on May 15th with my boat, and I'm dying to catch a musky. I've never caught one, and I have a few big lures (spoon and spinner) I tried on a Wisconsin trip a few years ago -- are those good lures for Utah muskies? What are people catching them on? Any plugs that work well? I've read articles about how people can high-speed troll for muskies on the Great Lakes, because they're attracted to boats and will follow in the wake even at high speed -- has anyone tried that technique at Pineview? Any and all advice will be appreciated!
[cool][#0000ff][size 1]Hey MGB, nothing personal. I am supposed to be a photographer (I have actually sold some of my slides) but I don't always get it right either. It's just easier to point a finger at somebody else when they goof. But, as I once heard, "When you point a finger at someone else, just remember there are three more pointing back at you."[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]Regardless of the missing tail (in the pic), the fish is beautiful and we can all appreciate the special attention you gave to insuring her survival. I think we could probably have a long thread if everyone would step up and admit some of the bonehead things they did while excited about catching (or losing) a big fish...or any fish.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]Hey Road: I gotta admit that I was a few years younger and a few pounds lighter in that pic. As I recall, the larger fish was just over 30 and the smaller about 25. I released two large males that afternoon that were well over 40. That's a lot of fish on a 10 weight flyrod. My hands and wrists were so tired that I had trouble holding my steering wheel on the way home. My hands kept cramping up. Man, that was a good problem.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]Don't you ever think fondly of the olden days along the American? Got lots of fish and lots of big fish just right over the levee from where I lived in Rancho Cordova.[/size][/#0000ff]
I used to live in Roseville, and I miss those big fish on the American, too. Never caught a salmon bigger than 20 lbs, but had some of the huge ones break off. Caught a 10 lb. steelhead there, too. That was a fun place for fishing! I miss California (grew up there) but Utah does have some killer trout fishing. Provo River is hard to match in Calif. And there aren't any muskies out there, either!
[cool][blue][size 1]Hey Steve, welcome to the BFT fambly. [/size][/blue]
[#0000ff][size 1]You got it right about Utah having good fishing. I have lived in Utah for quite a few years of my life, and I am planning to move back soon. There are not too many areas of the country I have not had the privilege to fish, but I personally feel there aren't many states that offer more diverse fishing, or better fishing overall, than Utah.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]California is one of about three or four states that DOES have a lot more diversity. They don't have muskies, but they got salmon and steelhead...and sturgeon...and big flathead and blue cats...and huge Florida strain largemouths...and a whole ocean full of big nasties too. [/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]Unfortunately they also got a lot more people there. A lot harder to find solitude there than in Utah. Anybody in Utah who has a problem with being crowded on their favorite spot should experience the "full contact" fishing on some of California's more accessible waters. That's why I used to drive six hours and then hike another six or eight to get back into the Sierras for some golden trout fishing. Only dedicated fishermen and folks respectful of the resources made it that far in.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1][/size][/#0000ff]