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I was fishing in a local pond for carp the other day, all by myself. I had corn on one hook and a nightcrawler on the other. The carp had been biting both. I cast in my ultralight, which had corn on it and propped it on a "Y" stick, with the bail open. Then I proceeded to go to an area that I hadn't fished before because of the trees on the bank, and the dead cattails in the water.

I cast my night crawler out and set down my rod. About 5 feet from shore, was someones bobber floating in the water. It had been there a while and I was starting to think maybe I shouldn't be trying to fish here. I looked up and saw that my bobber was moving a little. Nothing major, just subtle like. I let this go on for a few minutes and then decided to bring it in and maybe move it over some. I was afraid maybe a snapping turtle was checking out the worm. When I picked up the rod, I said to myself, ahhh, just set the hook and see if it sets. Sure enough, it set into something heavy that did not want to come to shore. I played it slow and every now and then say the water swirl. I was sure it was another turtle because of how it was moving so slowly in. Every now and then I would feel a violent vibration. Finally, my captive came to the surface and showed me it's side. WHen I saw that green stripe, I couldn't believe that I had hooked a nice sized Largemouth Bass. The bad thing was that it was headed right towards the dead cattails. And sure enough, it got tangled up and I couldn't untangle it. Every now and then it would show me that side stripe by floating to the top.

Well I couldn't just leave the fish there, so I ran to my truck and put on my wading boots. I also grabbed my net. When I got back to the pond, I rolled up my pant legs and waded in to the fish. As I got closer, the fish panicked and tried to escape. but I managed to untangle it and bring it to shore for pictures.

It was a 17 inch largemouth bass. I put it back in the pond after the photo shoot, and it swam happily away.

[Image: 018714.jpg]
thanks for the story susan i rtember years ago fishing a small pond for bass with a buzz bait there was a lot of weed so i hook this bass and it get me in the weeds about 15 feet out i tried every thing to get this fish loose giving it line even throwing BIG rock in the water next to it it would not leave the weeds i finally took off my shoes rolled up my pants and waded out and got it only to find my legs covered in little leaches yuk !
I forgot to say that since telling this story to one of my neighbors.. he said "See... that separates you from a MAN fisherman. A MAN would have not wasted time changing boots.. he would have jumped right in to get that fish!"

And yes, it was creepy the oozing mud as I made my way to this fish. I suppose I'm lucky that I didn't step on a snapping turtle. I thought about that AFTER I was back out of the pond! I also thought about leeches AFTERWARDS, but I didn't get any! whew!
they were just little things about 1/4" long so it wasn't to bad
[crazy] eww... but leeches are just so nasty! I got them twice in the creek, 2 summers ago. And they were small, but when they wouldn't let go, the woman in me came out. I think it made David to laugh to see that I wasn't THAT tough! [shocked]
Good Looking Bass, You are quite the fisherMom! it was good of you to release it from the cattails and then back in to the water once you took pictures of it! I am looking forward to more of your stories!
I was fishing for Crawdads once and I decided that it would be better if I was out in the water so they wouldn't drop off my line as fast and I could catch them. So I took my shoes off and waded out and the Crawdads would come up under the water and pinch my toes. It didn't hurt but it was creepy.

I once hooked a big trout in a small stream feeding into a lake. The fish ran out into the lake and got wrapped up in some sunken brush so I waded out up to my waist (very cold!!!) and got him unstuck but as soon as I did he went around another bush and broke off.

Ya know, that is the fun thing about fishing....

you just don't ever know what to expect!