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Full Version: electric lake 5/1 sat
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Well went to e-lake and met up with fuzzy there he flew his helicopter there!We left before he did and he got there before us.Fishing wasnt that fast and furious but we did manage to get a couple there. My kids liked the place not to fish but to climb !After fuzzy left my son decided to go rock climbing while we fished!H ew ent up so high he couldnt get down! We ended up with 2 fish one a yellow and red spoon and the other on a minnow.After fuzzy left me and my wife got a couple of hits but by then the minnows were thawed out and unusable.But at least we had a great time with good company .The drive thru fairview canyon was awesome ! Even if we went home without any fish the drive would have been worth it.
Thanks for the pics. Fairview canyon is beautiful. That is my old stomping grounds grew up in sanpete county. Makes me wish I was back. Question:Fuzzy has a helicopter?
Oh i left his house way before he did and he beat me to e-lake! So i aked him if he had a helicopter !