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Full Version: pineview crappie?????
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hey has anyone caught any crappies out of pineview yet this year and if so what size where they. any info would be great.
thanks trfishin
I fished Pineview on the 24th with no success. I tried several areas from the north side and across the east shore. I was shore fishing. I am like you, also watching for reports that the crappie are hitting but I am getting worried that they may not come on this year any better than the perch did this winter. Usually by now they would be coming on as in years past. I hope that they are still in there in good numbers.
I haven't been myself but have heard from some buddies that they haven't been catching any at all.Good luck anyway!
im with you. i dont know what happened but i havent seen or heard of a crappie caught yet. i havent seen the bucket brigades out fishing for them either. i have no idea what happened to them. i saw so many very large crappie yanked last year i was afraid of this but i didnt think it would put it to this level.
fished 4-4 not a single crappie . Fished the spring creek arm from 8:00 till 12:00 .
Only crappie I have seen this year were to floating in the shallows 2 weeks ago, they were 10-12 inches though, haven't seen anything caught though.

I heard from some where (can't remember where though so I don't remember if it was reliable) that the crappie crop have been lost the last two years due to them spawning , then the water being drawn down and leaving the eggs high and dry.
thanks for the reports. i have fished pineview in the past for crappie but have'nt heard of any being caught this year or much last year. thanks again trfishin
I think it has to do with low water conditions, not allowing for weeds/brush to be submerged long enough for the spawn. No babies=no adults.