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OK you anglers. The Paradise Quiz was an easy one, For this Quiz you will have to do some research. The answers can be found on the message board but you will have to find them. <br>Hint: The answers do not look like an answer!<br><br>For this Quiz answer these questions. Refer to the pic below.<br><br>1.What is it?<br><br>2.Where is it?<br><br>3.Who built it?<br><br>4.When was it built? <br><br><IMG SRC=""><br><br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher &lt;*(())))))))))&gt;{<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Here goes my search, <br>WHAT: Texas Sand Festival<br>WHERE: Port Aransas, Texas<br>WHO: John Gowdy, Absecon, New Jersy. Peoples Choice Sponsored by Sharky's<br>WHEN: April 12-13-14 2002.<br>I have yet to attend this sand festival, but there is 1 of equal fame in White Rock, B.C. that was absolutely amazing. Great site in Texas would be a blast I'm sure.<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A><br><br>Gamakatsu &lt;*(((&gt;{<br>Knowledge is power, pass it on.
Gamakatsu,<br>I think you like getting the trophy TOO much but you get another one. By the way I have a little house down there and will be there for the next SANDFEST. Of corse most of my time on the island will be taking in as much of the great fishing as I can. Any one that wants to join me on the Island for an angler party come on down the first week end of April,2003. It is a great place to take that vacation next spring! The friendliest town around. Everything is handycap accesable for our angler's on wheels also. Driving on the beach is allowd for the serf fishing angler. Charters available with only 12hour reservation. 4 fishing piers, the rock jettys that host some monster grouper at the base of the end and miles and miles of open shoreline. Acomadations range from the luxury hotels to primative camping sites on the beach. <br>Keep your eyes open for the next Quiz. <br>The next one will not be so easy to find the answer as Gamakatsu is making it look too easy![Smile]<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher &lt;*(())))))))))&gt;{<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Too easy SSOR too easy, So I'll let the next pass on by. I do enjoy the vast info on the net though, and again that is a very informative site.<br><br>Gamakatsu &lt;*(((&gt;{<br>Knowledge is power, pass it on.