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Full Version: Planter Pond (Etiquette??)
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This pond by my home is very small. I would say under an acre. Last year, it was fished out by mid June and to my knowledge it was not restocked. I see that you many of you have different opinions on the subject. I think the purpose of this particular pond is for kids, but at night there are lots of fisherman there and alot of them take fish home.

By the way, the fellow that I see is not old enough to be retired and he was there again this morning. I just feel bad for kids that are trying to learn to fish and they have to compete with more skilled anglers that could maybe catch their four trout just up the road a little.

Thank you for all of your input.
You need to call the DWR and have them check this person out. If he is legal, we just live with it. If he is not legal then you have stopped him with my thanks.DKS
I agree with you DKS. I think a call wouldn't be a bad thing to do. Just have him checked out.
maybe he's just learning to fish?
[pirate]Call the DWR on him the next time you see him there 800-662-3337

there's one in the spotlight

he don't look right to me

get him up against the wall!
If it's a urban pond and he stays in his daily limit of 3 or 4 who cares. I fish a local urban pond all the time and enjoy watching and helping new fisherman. I don't keep any fish but lots of adults do.

If it really bothers you so much why don't you walk down and say hi. Start talking about fishing and see what happens. If he's a [font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]idiot[/size][/font] or obviously hiding something then call the DWR about your concern. If you scared to talk to him call the DWR anyway.

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I think I will go and visit with him. I don't want to be a jerk and jump to conclusions, but I don't want one person cleaning out a planter pond. Especially if he might be stockpiling fish. Thanks for all of your replies and we will see what happens.
IMHO i think hedgesd hit the nail on the head. by just a friendly visit you will probably understand what he is about. you never know, he may turn out to be a good fishing buddy.
That's the beauty of a planter pond, they don't get slicked out. The old fish truck rolls in on a regular basis and whamo, instant fishery. If you really feel it should be a kids pond, go to your local RAC meeting and promote your agenda.

Good Fishing, Kayote
talking to him is a good idea but I would still call and just give a heads up to the dwr, if he is no doing anything illeagal then he should be glad that the dwr is checking on things. the dwr and south jordan check miads and kindney ponds almost every day and I welcome them and am glad to see them watching things.
AT least your ponds get checked. I haven't seen a single fish cop out checking licenses. I see more of them on my way to school.