Fishing Forum

Full Version: Where is the best place to go fishing?
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I am new at this my second day at this site.<br>just moved here and would like to know where I can go fishing, I want to impress my dad when he comes down to visit<br><br>
If you give me a county and how far you are willing to drive I will do what I can.<br><br>Are you any near the "Byue"?<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
ProsecutionSmith,<br>I did for get to welcome you to the Board and Dave beat me to it! That makes another mark on his side.<br>Now for the help that you asked for. I would like to get some info so we can work on getting you started out right. <br>We got your state and that is a great start. Now we need to find out what type of fishing you intend to do. Freshwater, Saltwater or Both? <br>Also we need to know at least a town or city that you call home, along with the distance you are expecting to travel.<br>I look forward to your answer to this requested info. As a Moderator it will be my pleasure to help you acheve the info and guidence that you want.<br>One other question. How much time do you have before your father will come to visit you?[Smile] <br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher &lt;*(())))))))))&gt;{<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
ProsecutionSmith, After speaking to you I did some research and came up with this site. It has plenty of info on where to go, and what's there when you get there,( species of fish). Also many lakes come with maps. Hope this helps. Maybe you'll be able to impress your Dad or have a few good spots by the time he shows up. Good Luck<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> The maps are in text form but if you use mapquest (internet) or stop by your local tackle shop you should be able to get a picture map for the corresponding lakes. I also saw several Saltwater sites. I typed in the search info. ( Fishing Mississippi) Again goodluck on finding new places to fish around your new home.<br><br>Gamakatsu &lt;*(((&gt;{<br>Knowledge is power, pass it on.
that is so sweet of you, thanks... that site has almost every thing I need to know about fishing here. and the prices are a lot cheaper than where I came from. lol <br><br>my dads non/resident license will cost the same here as his resident license at home. <br><br>I am hoping to stay around five miles from my house, I live in Leake County (Walnut Grove) <br><br>