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Full Version: Jordan River report
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Took my five year old daughter out with me today for the first time to try out her new spincasting sponge bob fishing pole...... Man, i never knew those dang things were such a pain in the rear to cast.... I finally managed a decent cast and we started fishing. We were using "green" worms from Wally world, thats all they had left. I caught only two keeper channels and the rest were tiny or small mudcats. She had a blast though and she actually caught her first fish(a mudcat), all by herself. Ah, it makes me so proud!!! Good thing I had the I just gotta get the pictures so they fit on this site..... But anyway, the weather was terrific, the fishing was fast for little fish, and it was a great day out with my daughter.... I thought she might get tired quickly but we fished for about five hours and every time I asked her if she wanted to go home yet, she kept saying no dad, lets fish more..... Finally I called it a day because we ran out of worms and we brought our fish home.... She must have been tired, because she crashed out in the truck on the way home. There by the pumphouse or anywhere there by Lehi would be a good spot for anyone looking to take kids out because there are carp and birds to watch and plenty of shade to just lounge in when the fishing isn't fast and furious....that and its kinda cool to watch the little RC planes over at the field too.....
I hit the Jordan this evening , but no luck . Got bites but no hook ups . I was fishing 6400 South with shrimp and dead chub . Glad to hear you had better luck .
We went to the jordan as well last night, over by the pump house in lehi, the fishing was fast, we caught between 15-20 cat fish a combo of both mudders and channels, also we caught a few blue gill and a couple perch. fishing was great and so was the weather.
What was you using for bait?

Im thinking about hitting it Tue or Wed.
I was using just worms....I normally just use that until I catch carp or some other little fish to use for bait....Has anyone cut up the little muds and used them with any luck? I was going to but I didn't know if they would work as well as perch or something else. Hey, fishinchic, where were you? I was over on the little bay by the dam on the river, not actually right next to the pumphouse..... where is a good spot to go get some little gamefish to cut up for bait over there??
Sounds like you have a great new fishing buddy. Its great to here that she wanted to stay and fish. Good luck in the future.

I'm sure that mudders would work great as bait -- they're quite the smelly fish. However, it's illegal to use them or their parts for bait. You can use nongame fish and their parts for bait (like carp, suckers, minnows, shiners, etc.) as well as perch and white bass, but you cannot use catfish meat or parts for bait.