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Full Version: Believe this??? Yuba's Walleyes
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I have been talking to a friend who says he knows of a friend who fishes Yuba regularly since the reservior started filling last febuary. He has been catching big walleyes there every time, and he says they are there. I told my friend that his friend is a bunch of hooey and there's no substantial evidence that 'eyes are back. I pointed out the DWR's gill netting report. He said that "Did DWR gillnet the whole reservior?" I had to admit that they did not... so it is plausible his friend might be telling the truth when I saw that Doug Miller reported someone catching 'eyes recently...

Anybody out here in the BFT land, can you guys confirm this?
Any idea where? Or what he is using? I am heading down there over Memorial day weekend. I wasn't going to take the boat, but if the EYE's are biting I might change my mind. I was hoping at least a hand full would make it. My daughter caught a 22 incher on her Barbie special last year. I would love to see here get another one. Any more info would be great. Thanks.
Walleye Point was mentioned along within the dam area.

Jigging was what he was using. I'm guessing in early Febuary/March would be whistler jigs made by Northland. They have a reputation for catching those sluggishly slow-metabolizing eyes.

Now those 'eyes may have gone down sevier river and then came back when the water flowed back into Yuba, but I can't imagine a whole lot left that survived the draw down of the dam... can't be more than a few hundred of them in there now.

If you guys catch them, please promptly put them back into the water so they may multiply and replenish.
Thanks for the info! And if I do have any luck they will be promptly returned to bread and fight another day. Right now the only good eye's at yuba are the one we can keep in the water. Hope it doesn't take to many years for them to rebound. Thanks again.
hey that is great to hear that some of the toothy critters may still be in yuba after all, thanks glasseyewalleyeiconoclasticpaul
if i do catch one this saturday it is gonna be drain straight to my belly!!![Smile]
Wahoo!!! Guess you all know where I'm heading!!!![Smile]
wow you got me all exited now!I usually catch my walleyes at least the bigger ones around this time of year.
Tha hunt is on[cool]