05-12-2004, 02:51 PM
Tides [[url "http://www.lau.chs-shc.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/cgi-bin/tide-shc.cgi?queryType=showZone&language=english&region=1&zone=14"][#0000ff]click here[/#0000ff][/url]]
Courtenay Report; The Salmon Point to Kitty Coleman area has been producing fish for the past several weeks and the fishing is improving weekly. Typically, a lot of these fish are white fleshed Chinook with a few red fleshed fish mixed in . Most of the fishing is being done in 150 to 200 ft. of water with the lure or bait being trolled between 10 and 30 ft. off the bottom. Sentry shoal and the area around Mitlenatch Island has also been producing a few fish. The freshwater fishing around Courtenay is in full swing with many reports of excellent fishing in both large and small lakes. Beach fishing for Sea-Run Cutthroat is ramping up as well with Little River and the Oyster River estuaries starting to turn on.