I was just wondering if anyone had been down around the lincoln beach side of the lake, Because I am headed up tommarow and I was wondering if any big cats had been caught and if they have what are they bitting on.
P.S. has there been any movement on the white bass on that side of the lake?[

I was in that area last Saturday and because of all the blank and boat fishermen you'd thought it was a city unto itself. LOL,, actually it wasnt to bad and yes the kitties and whites are on the make.. Good luck and be sure and toss us your report.. Oh and btw,, if you find a blue cloth sack filled with rocks and a rope and plywood wrap board attached,, thats my sack anchor,, (no finders keepers!).. I was out in the powered tube riding the big waves out from the L when I lost it. What a blast! Oh,, and that red and white fish marker bouy is mine too,,LOL![laugh]
When you go make sure and leave a report. If you would, let me know if the carp are rising much. I want to get my bow out and thin the population a little. I know it won't really dent it but it makes me feel better.
I may head out there tomorrow morning to test out my new pontoon boat if the weather is nice,
Hey thanks for the advice it wasn't to bad of a trip but it wasn't the greatest either we only caught two channels the whole time we were there but the mud cats were bittin just after sun down friday night the action started to pick up and out of nowhere the wind came up and ruined the whole night for fishing I am heading back up in a couple weeks maybe if you are not busy we will see you at the lake in a couple of weeks.
thanks again
A.K.A Curtis Cowley
hey fishluvr I have some really good news for you there were carp all over just past lincoln beach some jumpin some just off the little island two feet of the shore so good luck with the bow fishin.
As I've said,, I usually make it down in that area atleast once a week. The carp are now sucking air about anywhere a person chooses to look. Sunday even during the windy periods they were hugging the shoreline in about a foot of water. I think I'll take my bow next trip to freshen up my kitty bait supply.