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I like your answers to questions on Texas fishng but I know you live in Southern Ohio. I plan to go fishing for Turkey. Do I need a fishing license or a hunting license to fish for Turkey? Windy<br><br>
Windy,<br>Thanks for your post and question.<br>If you are going fishing for turky you will need a hunting license and your season ends on the 19th. <br>I will let you explain how to fish for turkeys, as it is to simple for me to explain![Smile]<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher &lt;*(())))))))))&gt;{<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Well, I better go get my license tomorrow as this is the last week. Really, Turkeys are so stupid that they are easier to fish for than fish. Fish nibble at the bait before they take it. For turkey you don't need a pole , just some 25 lb. test line and a small hook, A can of whole kernel corn is the final item. Find a turkey trail by tracking their foot prints and put down a row of corn kernels. After about 10 add one with the hook and tie the line to a nearby tree. They find the corn and grab it as fast as they can and swallow without delay. The hook catches in their crawl and you have a bird. Put to lines down side by side and the next bird in line will swallow the second hook but tie the line to a different tree or they will flop and make a real snare of the line. The method has also been used by little boys catching carp in mud holes, but that is a different story. <br><br>
I heard of fishin fer fish<br>I heard of fishin fer money<br>I seen duck fishin<br>I seen chicken fishin<br>I even heard fer fishing fer sum bucks,<br>but I anit never heard of no fishin fer turkies.<br><br>but I gess bein they air such big gobblers they mite be worth fishin fer.<br><br>say Windy welcome to the boards. let us know how you do with them turks. lol<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
Well Dave, you aint heard nothin; yet. I got two nice Gobblers this Am. The only problem was I made one line a bit too long and so one is now sitting in a tree trying to figure out how to get rid of the hook. The other looks very nice in the freezer so I got my turkey for this year! Next, I think I'll walk down the hill about 700 feet down and try for some nice bass as soon as the flood waters are gone. Thanks for your response, It tells me that there is always something new in fishing and after over 60 yeara of catching fish, I still like to tie a line to my toe and take a nap under a big old shade tree and let the fish do the hard work.<br><br><br><br>