Fishing Forum

Full Version: Strange lil girl and her older sis catch fish but with what?
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[size 1]Me ANd My Sister Went Fishing Yesterday we didn't plan to get any thing i was on a stump with powerbait and a small hook on a piece of string trying to catch a baby bass

about }------------------8> That big All of a sudeen i Hear AHH Help Kelsey I Think i got 1

My sister is 10 and she just put 2 salmon eggs on a hook and didnt cast but droped it of the front of the dock it sank to the bottom and bang a WOOPIN 3LB RaINBOW TROUT Was Hooked. My Sister 10 Never Cought A in hER LIFe she was so happy she had a Smile you could see from the moon later i was messing around and did the same put 2 salmon eggs on and casted from my stump in the water i caught somthing alright but it was a baby

----------------------------------------------------------------THAt big (bass small mouth)

SHE HAD TO BREG we got home and guted them myine was cat food hers was a girl with eggs we dont have a camra so in the freezer it stays till we get a camra PS i cant tell you what it ate [/size]
thanks for the story kelsey good to see you and your sis are catching some fish
Good story, it is good to see you like fishing.[Smile]
I tried salmon eggs on a panther martin lure this weekend after reading of your adventures, and caught a 12 inch brown trout on my first cast!

They loved the eggs!
well i hope i win