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Full Version: almost useless facts
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Number of hospital visits in 2001 due to accidents [ul] [li]involving stairs: 1,088,000[/li] [li]Involving nails, screws, tacks and bolts: 180,000[/li] [li]Involving books, magazines and albums: 10,000[/li] [li]Involving crayons and chalk: 3,500[/li] [li]Involving electric Christmas decorations: 3,300[/li] [li]Involving hammocks: 2,500[/li] [li]Involving fish hooks 25

Increase in traffic on U.S. interstate highways from 1990 to 2000:
Increase in lanes during that period: +8%
Average daily commute in Atlanta in 1990: 26 minutes
In 2000: 31.2 minutes
(USA Today)

Percentage of U.S. workers with a Web connection who visited an x-
rated Web site while at work in March: 44%
At home: 40%
Students at a University: 59%

Average vehicle weight in 1976: 4,079
In 1981: 3,203
In 2003: 4,021
(New York Times)

"The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance."
- Socrates
Pretty interesting I think. Maybe thats why they are "almost" useless facts.[Wink] Thanks for sharing that.
Thanks Dave. I'm full of useless knowledge and always looking for more[Tongue]. I would like to see more details on the 'books, magazines and albums'. Now that would be really interesting!![cool]