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I saw the news today that the contender "charter fishing boat" went down with some odd 28 pasengers and crew in sanfrancicisco.
I am too far south of Frisco. So I am here not there.[cool]

Hey there davetclown,

Ya that was scarry stuff. No, I was not the 85 year old that was the only fatality!

Gee.... if that happened to me and I survived I would have to go get new fishing tackle.... what a terrible thought!

Truth is fall in the water way up north SF way and it's just about a done deal in 5 minutes!

the news reels said several of them came down with hyperthermia in just 5-10 minutes in the water.

new tackle and gear would not be the only thing on my list, maybe an nice new pair of shorts would be the first thing on my list.....

they were quite lucky the losses were as they were... I am glad to hear every one that could be saved was....

the older angler passed by way of heart atack according to news reels...
At least it wasn't during the shark season. There is a nice area that I will be going to this summer for Great Whites. Hopefully I can get just a 16 footer to hold me over on the Big Fish for the rest of the year. That would make some points.
that would do it unless some one runs down to Baja with our buddies down there and bring home a bone fish "a 30 footer"[sly] lets not forget about some of them octopie..... man are they huge!!!![Wink]
I hooked into a good octopus at Catalina Island. I couldn't land it after 3hrs of fighting. I ended up having to cut my line. It broke the tip off of one of my rods that was intended for 40lb fish. I wished I could have landed it though. That would have been some good points.

It is hard to measure and pose with a live Octopi without getting wrapped up into what you are doing though.

Hi there TubeN2,

I love raw or boiled octopus served Japanese sashimi style. The flesh is clean, doesn't smell, and goes great with shoyu and kirin nama beer! Bring it on!

I'm going back out to fish the Mole at Avalon for Memorial weekend. I'll see if I can pick up where I left off. I hope some of my little shark buddies are still around. I just want to invite them to a Kodak moment.

I would love to catch some fresh octopi as well. They are in fact delicious. My brother and I used to spend alot of time fishing at Santa Monica back when it was still clean. One of our favorite snacks over there were the Octopus cocktails that they would serve from one of the Pier restaurants. Yummmmmmy.