Stopped at the river west of lehi on main street this morning for a few hours. Caught about 20 3-4 in mudders. [

] It actually got a bit annoying after a bit.[crazy] I did get a few good bites after I went to some bigger bait just couldn't hook anything.
If any of you bow fishin carp anglers read this now is the time to hit this area. The carp are stacked on the shoreline. Had to be hundreds of them from medium to quite large in size. Tried to hook into one for bait but no luck. Need to just bring a net next time. Good luck if any of you go after them. It should be a riot.[cool]
Anyone make it out by the pump house over the weekend? Think I will be headed there in the morning. Any info would be great.
gettin good at them thar mudders hahahaha!!!!
Fished the pumphouse Sat and Sun evening. Few white bass around and even fewer mud cats. Saw one 24 in channel caught and one 23 in walleye. Not very fast action. Hopefully it will warm up a little more soon.
Thanks for the info. I also would like to see it start to warm up a bit. Did you have any problems with all the tiny muds at the pumps like I did out by Lehi? Thanks again
Muds and channels below the pumps were all small. Caught alot of small channels there too. On the lake side the muds are still there, but they are quite a bit bigger. Not fast fishing at all.
Saw quite a wide variety of techniques there also.
Bottles tied to fishing line and thrown out into the water.
Line tied to the tab of a beer can and the can placed upside down on a stick then just throw your bait out by hand.
Tie a spark plug to the end of your line, suspend two hooks a ways up the line then cast it out. Didn't see if was a high preformance plug or not. He didn't catch many with that setup, but he could cast it half way across the lake.
Learned a few more things too.
A wife can throw her rig out farther by hand than her drunk husband can using a pole.
A 24 inch channel cat can drag a pole, lunch box and a lantern into the water.
Old retired fishermen can run real fast when all their gear is getting drug into the water.
An 8 year old kid can do quite a dance when they catch a 23 inch walleye on a jig.
New fishermen should learn which fish have spikes and where.
And the list will continue next weekend I'm sure!
It was a fun weekend. Good luck to you!
Fished a little south of the 9600N bridge in Lehi last night between 6-8. My daughter caught her first catfish about 5 min after arriving. Sad to say that was the only fish we caught. It was a small 8" channel cat.
Any one have tips on what to use to catch the Bass and Eye in the river?
Now you know the source of trash left behind by fishermen who uses household products... such as tabs, beer cans, spark plugs, lunch box, lanterns, bottles, etc. I've seen this left behind all too often.
I neglected to add my trash report from this trip. The 2 bags that I didn't need at the last 2 spot I went to got filled in about 5 min. Plus the bag I took for this trip. What a mess. All I can say is WOW!! I haven't seen this much trash in one spot since I quit fishing the west side of utah lake below mile marker 19. You could spent a week straight and barley make a dent. Slobs I tell ya. Just slobs.