Fishing Forum

Full Version: JORDANELLE 05/17/04
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fished the rockcliff area yesterday. The perch were starting to turn on, but not quite hot yet, but I didn't have enough time to get into too much before the wind came up with a vengence. I was trying out my new pontoon and have found that #1 I need an anchor or one of those underwater parachute things that slow you down, because man those tunes just get blown around in the wind. I didn't get to do much fishing, because I spent most of my time trying to keep from getting blown into the tree. On the bright side the lake is way up from what it was the last time I was there. Oh I also stopped at utah lake later. The lake is actuall lower than it was last week,

Great I just love to catch the little perchies...I'm looking to pick up a toon later in the summer I've already got the (freebie) trolling motor curtesy of a good friend. Just waitingfor dollars to spend.
maybe I'll see you out there. I fish there a lot. I will be in that toon petty sold,

The Costco in Orem has some toons. It has a mounting bracket and platform for a trolling motor and battery. I forgot how much they are asking for it though.
Thanks but I've got my eye on one in the Cabela's catalog, but I'll keep my eyes open for a good deal elsewhere.
What time were you out fishing in Jordanelle? What were you using? I'm heading up there on Saturday and want to know where to go. DCRIM1 and I have gotten skunked twice up there this year.
about 8 or 9 until 2:00. we were using worms, perch meat, streamers, and wooly buggars.
