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Full Version: Kolob report and help needed
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I happend to be in So. Utah on Monday. and fished Kolob at dusk. There was a hatch that the fish were going nuts on. A barrage of feeding trout for an hour. I'm embarrassed to say I landed nothing. The insects hatching looked like mosquitos but they left us alone so I wonder if they were something else. The trout looked like they were feeding right below the surface on emergers but there were a lot of bugs on top. (I saw a lot of fins and not too many mouths.) I tried a giffiths gnat (this was the closest match to what was going on), a pmd, a green wooley bugger, and a few lures. The lures were untouched. I had a few hits on the flies but I couldn't hook anything. Any ideas on what pattern would work at these times? Given the amount of surface action I should have had a hit every cast if the pattern and/or presentation was right. I am going back next week and hope to have a better report with your ideas!
[size 1]The insects hatching looked like mosquitos but they left us alone so I wonder if they were something else.[/size]

[size 1]Your statement is a classic description of a midge, [/size]a distinct variety of insects of the order Diptera (true flies), family Chironomidae. All true flies have only two wings, which is the big identifying feature of these insects.

theres tons of info online on fishing midges . .

[url ""][/url]

[url ""][/url]

hope this helps

Shoot me a PM, I'll give you the scoops..............
I fished Kolob Monday night and it sucked. Landed one fish and missed 3 others. Tried just about everything that normally catches plenty of fish but nothing worked. Tried midges and all my smaller dries but nothing was small enough.

Everybody I talked to had the same luck.
Thank you all for your responses. Hedgesd - I'm glad I wasn't the only one having a rough time figuring things out. I thought about contacting you before I went but I had to do some work at a cabin first & I didn't know what time exactly I would be on the lake. I'll be down again for memorial if you want to link up. SM - great articles. I've largely ignored miges and in hindsite I now can think of some other times i missed out during some good hatches. Mr. L. thanks for the tip. I'm sure they will increase my success!
I wasn't having trouble figuring them out. The fish were feeding on 20-22 flies. Everything larger they ignored including small glow bugs. I'd get looks but nothing would pick it up.

Midges are the most over looked, except Utah and fly shops, but effective fly.

With the spawn going strong right now the fish don't seem to care about food. Give it a couple weeks and things will pick up again. This year fishing has been extremely slow compared to last year.

I've already got plans for Memorial or I'd join you.