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Anybody ever caught a white fish on bait or a spinner?
I caught one once on a pink double tail jig tiped with a half of a crawler.
I have caught a few on spinners but it is kind of unusual. While fishing on the Salt River in Wyoming I caught 5-6 on a panther martin. They were larger fish 15-18" and fought very well. Chicken.
Yes, I have caught them on flies and on meal and wax worms.
We have caught them on panther martins in Woodruff before. It was a small one but he took the whole treble hook.
Its not comon, but every once in awhile you will catch one on a spinner. Their mouths are very small, so you are better of with a worm or fly. At my cabin you can watch em' hit it, but they can't get their mouth around the treble hook, so you don't catch em'. I guess anything is possible though.

I've caught them on spinners, But a grasshopper along the bottom seems to work realy well.[Smile]
I supose you're talking about mountain whitefish. The Bear Lake variety are commonly takin on spinners. My niece and her friend caught several mountain whitefish this past winter on spinners in the Logan R. I have only had them chase. You should be able to get them on salmon eggs and small grubs too.
Many of them. Up in Mackie Idaho, I used to get 7 or 8 a day on Panther Martins or Blue Fox's. My grandpa could get a whole crapload of them on a worm using his flypole. The bigger fish seem to like them more. A lot of the fish were pushing 18-22".