05-21-2004, 05:12 PM
Are any of you guys using leaders with the braided lines? If so, what kind? Mono? Fluorocarbon? Wire? I've used mono and a double uni-knot, got tired of losing my stuff to the rocks so I've just gone straight braid to the connection (lure, snap, whatever I'm using at the time). B-Bouncing for walleye this isn't an issue, but casting would be a different thing.
Trolling with braids was mentioned above. I love them for trolling, but I really back off on the drag or you tear the hooks out way too frequently. The stuff doesn't stretch, so you have to provide some "give" somewhere. I do it with a looser drag for the strike, tighten it down slightly in the fight. A Shimano "Fight'n Drag" reel works wonders for this.
Trolling with braids was mentioned above. I love them for trolling, but I really back off on the drag or you tear the hooks out way too frequently. The stuff doesn't stretch, so you have to provide some "give" somewhere. I do it with a looser drag for the strike, tighten it down slightly in the fight. A Shimano "Fight'n Drag" reel works wonders for this.