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What is the best bait or lure for a gar i get them to follow a plastic worm but they wont hit it and where im at i can see them on the bank in a school of about five or six and they are huge. thanks
Welcome to the board! I don't have an answer for you but you should be able to find one somewhere on here. I do know that a couple of people here have caught them and posted pictures. Once you get them on the hook, take pics. We love to see the catches!
Hi and welcome to the BFT message boards. What areas are you fishing for Gars? There may be someone on your local board that could have some tips for catching them.

Once that you have caught some, there are some cool recipes on the recipe board. Please feel free to try some out and add any that you may have to share.[cool]
its down the street from me its a little murky river with many types of fish i dont even know that are in there its located in midway park nc
hey your in luck, our resident pro on the North Carolina board landed a nice one already this spring.

His user name is BryumJr. drop down there and hit him up, I am sure he would be happy to give you a pointer or two... here is a link [url ";"][size 1]General Discusion[/size][/url]

I am looking forward to your first Gar,

do you know what species of gar you are looking at?
i have no idea of what kind it is
here is one method of telling them apart, are they skinny like a base ball bat or is it skinny like a pool stick.

look at the 16 species contest on this board, I belive the gar Bryum caugt is on that post....
this sounds like a regular gar, I would try tossing a 1 inch black Jitterbug indirectly at it. I would also attach a 3 inch leadered stinger to the back hook.

several cast may be needed to hook up. you will want to cast past them and come over to one side or the other. you dont want to drop a bomb on their heads like a bass.

Retreiveing it slowly gennerationg just enough action to make it look like a swimming rat should do the job.

last week I pulled in a longnose gar with a Charlie Swim bait from MegaBait lures

Hi there jclark102,

A simple spoon with a strip of the hook part of a velcro strip will do great! From what I've hear........

Hey JR, I imagine that you would use the soft side of the velcro. Correct???

The Gar is already equiped with the hook and loop equipment.
Hookless gar lures employ materials that can entangle those thousands of tiny teeth. Simplest and most widely used of the entangling types is the rope lure. Attach a 4-inch section of 1/4” or 1/2” white nylon rope securely to a jig head. Apply glue to the jig hook, slide on the rope like you would a plastic worm, wrap the rope just behind the jig head with red thread, then cover the wrappings with more glue. Leave the hook on if you wish or snip it off for an thoroughly snagless lure. Fray the free end of the rope thoroughly with a metal-bristle brush. In the water, this shimmering, swimming lure looks rather minnow-like. This same lure can be made with nylon floss (available at fly fishing shops) in place of the rope which seems to improve the action but reduce the number of “hook-ups”. Strips of white nylon panty hose material will also work as a hookless skirt. (Caution! When your wife finds white nylons in your truck, don’t tell her they’re for a “nice skirt”.)
For many, a more effective hookless gar-getter, is a mono lure. Gather up a snarled wad of used 6-12lb monofilament line. Fold it over so that it measures about 4 inches. Tie it together with a small strip of red fabric and securely attach it to a jig head. Like before, leave or cut off the jig hook.
These untraditional lures are especially useful for longnose gar. Their long and skinny bony beaks are the most difficult to hook. Shortnose and spotted gar can more often be hooked with standard, sharp trebles. Gar On!

Hi TubeN2,

One post said it was the hook not the pile sections but I don't know myself.

Hey I just got an idea. Those needlefish in the San Gabriel river and PCH ought to be easily caught with that set up.

hey japan finalliy got my camera mybe weather will let me get some picks for you to see soon so you can see some tn monsters.