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Full Version: Madison River - Lower
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Stream Flow Information [[url ""][#0000ff]click here[/#0000ff][/url]]

The flows at the Ennis Powerhouse are 1130 C.F.S. The Lower Madison is one of the only rivers that is still in good shape for fishing in the area. There is still about 2 feet of visibility and the fish are eating. Hatch activity consist of Caddis, Goldenstones and a few left over baetis. Nymphing has been very productive with goldenstone nymphs trailed with a caddis larvae. The caddis activity has been very sporadic and there is no reason that I could come up with for why that is. Get out and give it a try, you may catch a large hatch of bugs or it may be very sparse. I would imagine that the river will get dirty sometime next week as the upper river is starting to get some color in it.

Fly Pattern Suggestions :Yellow Stimulator #8-12, Madam X #8-10, Elk Hair Caddis #12-14, Slick Water Caddis #12-14 Parachute Caddis #12-14, BH Mangy Caddis #14-16, Black Lite Brite Caddis #12-14, Hot wire Caddis #12-14, BH Prince #8-12