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Is it possible to add a drain plug to a small aluminum boat??
Hey Badfish, the aluminum boats I've had have a coller for the plug. It looks pressed on so I don't know if what you want to do is possible. Best to e-mail the manufacturer and see if they have a system. Good luck.
My friend's 12 foot aluminum boat has a 1 inch drain in the transom. Can't imagine why it wouldn't be possible to put a drain in there. The question is, how are you going to do it?
in my minds eye i see it can be done very easy if they make what i picture that is

maybe check at a boating shop there is one at about 22nd south and state in salt lake that is close to you they might have something like i'm thinking

picture this if you can what i see is something that looks like a nut and bolt maybe 1 1/2 " on the outside threaded with a hollow threaded center that a drain plug would screw into

drill a 1 1/2" hole in the bottom of your tramson push in thru use a sealent inside and out and bolt it down can you see that ?

later today when i get home i'll try and make a drawing and scan it then post it here