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On a fishing trip last week my friends and I saw a spectacular display of fishing skill from a true "fly" fisherman. Well in this case it was in the form of an Osprey.

We were enjoying the scenery from the shore of a mountain lake when out of the corner of my eye I saw a movement and turned to see the bird diving straight down at a fantastic speed and then vanishing into the water with a splash. He came popping up and I was amazed how he was able to get his wings moving enough to get airborne again but he did and as he came out of the water I could see a small trout in his talons.

We watched to see where he was taking his catch, supposing there was a nest in the trees on the other side of the lake. What happened next was quite a surprise! As we watched he flew over to the top of the hill across from us and started circling there must have been a thermal rising from that hill because in no time at all he was nothing more than a speck against the sky. At the point we could hardly see him anymore he suddenly caught an upper level wind and took off to the East like a rocket! We thought the nest must be close but at the speed he was moving it could have easily been many miles away and yet within easy reach for this amazing animal.

It was a display of fishing and flying skill like I've never seen before and we were very glad to have witnessed it.

Watching the Osprey can be really amuseing. I used to watch them in NE Washington State. It's amazing how they can hit the water as hard as they do and not knock themselves out. Al
i saw one take a trout no more then 15 yards away from me in a word AWSOME !
Great Story, I have never seen one take a fish and hopefully I will one day.