Went to Bird Island this morning with Aquaman and his wife Becky.We fished until 2Pm.We had good luck,and caught 18 cats,and one white bass.I fished with a shrimp and crawler combo under a slip bobber and that seemed to work the best.We fished the North side of Bird Island in about 6 feet of water.Nine for me,six for Becky,and three for Aquaman(he said she always out fishes him with bait)A word of caution,on the way out of channel,stay close to North jetty.Only 4-5 feet in the marina,and 3-4 feet in the channel,if you get to far to the left you can come to grief
wheer did you launch? we were out there on monday, and had the same problem, went to left, and started turning up mud
That's a nice kitty. Did you get a weight? I'm guessing 6.5-7.5 pounds. Did you keep any of them to eat?
You don't see Utah Lake with a glassy surface like that too often. I'm jealous.
Hey that is a nice cat. Looks like you guys had a fun day on the pond. Thanks for the report and good luck on your next trip out.
We launched at the State Park marina
May have been that big,we were thinking 5-6 lb. the lake was calm,but that made it HOT[crazy] also
Thanks,it was a fun day,But hot.Those big cats really pull.The bigger ones make your arm hurt!
What time did you start fishing?
We started at Bird Island about 9:30AM
Good Kitties!! Way ta hit em!
Sorry, one other question. Did you have any problem with misquitos out there?
Nice post Fishcrazy! I love fishing the island for the kitties! I have never caught a monster out there, but figuring you can average around 6lb. fish, and numbers of those, that's not a bad day on the water for anyone I know.
Keep us posted on further success.
me and road did get into some skeeters, but we were not by bird island at the time, we were fishing by shore by a different launch site not too far away from bird island.
I have never seen skeeters at Bird Island; however, I wanted to see if that had changed with the change in water level. I will be fishing it soon, and just wanted to know what to expect. How is Road's new boat working out?
hi kent no skeeters at all
it runs great, cruises about 30 mph, can go faster but dont like to. it is a little tuff to start, but as the day goes on it get easier. im sure in a couple more trips it will be somewhat easy to start. decent fishing boat too, he landed 2 cats on monday, a 3 pounder and a average sized mud cat.
Nope,their were some bugs out there,but their always is
Thanks coldfooter,always liked those catfish since a guy from Mississippi showed me how to catch them[

Thanks,may have to pole out of the harbor if the water gets much lower.
Good to hear that Fishcrazy! Have you tried trolling for them just for kicks?