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[size 2]This took place in June 2003 and sometimes kids take things so literally.

As excited as he could be on his birthday, his old G-pa was even more excited in the fact I was going to take my grandson fishing for the first time. After a quick stop at the local Wal-Marts so my grandson could pick out his own new fishing rod, and after he pull nearly every pole and reel combo package from their pegs, he finally set sight on his new fishin' pole. No matter what I had to said I was totally out voted by a 3 year old and there would be no chancing the lads mind. It was going be that Scooby Doo fishing pole he had a death grip on, or nothing. So I said "fair enough" and away we went. Wow was he one proud owner of a New Scooby Doo fishing rod and reel and he made darn sure everyone in line at the checkout was aware of it. Whats more, he never lost his death grip on the pole so gal at the checkout had to use the hand held scanner to price it out.

Knowing my son as a youngster, and me at that age as far as that goes, I felt inorder to insure my G-son would want to go fishing with his G-pa again I'd better make darn sure he caught something that day, so Bullheads were our targot. I already had the nightcrawlers so after stopping to pick up a few fresh shrimp at a local market my grandson and I set forth on our quest.

Its strange how things can slip from ones mind as time passes and age creeps in. But, after arriving at the lake it quickly came back to me why I'd get so frustrated while trying to fish with my son when he was that age! I think the top eye of that Scooby Doo rod got poked at and under, and drug across, very rock along the beach for 100 feet in each direaction from where I sat up our chairs! But, after finally running him down, and coaxing back to his chair, the New Scoody Doo outfit was set up with merely a big red bobber. To be completely honest I wasnt sure whether the darn thing would even cast when he grab it up at Wal-Marts. So, after the bobber was loaded I made a couple casts just to assure myself it actually worked and I was a tad surprise I could whip it out 50 foot or so. Then my attempts to show him the finer arts of pushing the botton in of his reel and casting took place. The lad wouldnt have a thing to do with using faulty equipment either so after changing a broken bobber for the 3rd time I seen a completely asounded, but very proud look come across his face when he finally managed to cast the bobber 15- 20 feet out onto the water without smacking the bobber on the rocks at his feet. A few more attempts took place at casting with varieing success then he told me in no uncertain terms "I want to catch a fish grampa!". So a new bobber, hook and sinker were installed along with half a nightcrawler. Whats more, he wasnt having anything to do with G-pa casting it out for him either. So after a warning about shape hooks and what not, I took the cowardly way out and stood back and ran the Cam-corder as he made his first fully loaded toss. With Cam-corder recording I coaxed him several times to cast it by saying, "Ok, through it way out there". With his right arm fully cocked and just before he finally tossed it out he gave me a goofy questioning look, looked out at the water, pointed with his left hand and said, "out there?". I replied "Yeah, through it out there as far as you can while I film ya". You guessed it, the entire Scooby Doo rig was tossed about 20 feet off shore! Needless to say my newly found fishing buddy was a bit heartbroken. But, with his help when it came time to reel, we snagged his line and retrieved his New Scooby Doo fishin' pole and reel. Thank God for Big Red & White Bobbers!

We never had a bite that day but I feel the day was a complete success. After awhile (about 5 minutes) he had a great time tossing rocks at his bobber. But he brought home his Scooby Doo fishing pole witch on hangs proudly next to G-pa's rods..

Later after telling my brother what had taken place while fishing with my grandson he proceeds to tell me what had taken place while fishing with his granddaugther at Currant Creek Res. a week earlier. Like I had for my grandson, my brother had taken his granddaughter to get her first fishing pole also. Nope! no dumb old Scooby Doo fishing pole for her, she chose Tweety Bird!

Unlike my grandson, my brother said his granddaughter was very patient while fishing. Sat very quietly and held her pole until she'd see her bobber go under and after a couple misses she started hooking up. Although, my brother was quick to point out he did the casting. He told me her pole seem to be the hot ticket too. Of the dozen small Cutties caught that day she caught 80% of them on the Tweety Bird pole. Whats more, a float tuber who happend to be fishing nearby wasnt doing any better than the rest of the group in my brothers fishing party. After watching her drag in the 4th or 5th Cuttie the guy yeld to my brother saying,, "I'll give ya 30 bucks for the Tweety Bird fishing pole and bobber!".[/size]
Hey coldfooter thanks that was a great story. I'll be having my first, a son, in July (well my wife will anyway [Tongue]). I can't wait till he's old enough to teach him to fish!
[size 3]Great Story Cold Footer! [/size]

[size 3]My 5 yr old daughter owns a Scooby Doo fishing rod [/size][size 3]and I belive her first one was a Snoopy. It came with a Snoopy Bobber.[/size]

[size 3]Now she likes to fish with my Shakespeare Ultralight.[/size]
thanks for the story don my kids are coming up next week with my 3 year grandson maybe its time to get him his first pole
Great Story! My kid is going for his boy scout merit badge on fishing in a couple of weeks.