Fishing Forum

Full Version: Don't forget the rod holders!!
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Well I went fishing with a buddy and WE FORGOT THE ROD HOLDERS! The fishing was really going slow so I tied on a hook with a worm and a split shot and threw it on out there. Sence we FORGOT THE ROD HOLDERS I set it down on the bank and put some sticks and weeds that were already there in the way until I was satisfied that a fish wouldnt be able to pull it in. So I turned my back on the rod and I was going to tie on a crankbait on my other rod. I hear this sound that sounds like SSSSSSPPPPLLLLLLAAAASSSSHH!!!! That could only mean one thing: There goes my rod! So I turn around and see my baitcasting rod and reel taking off in the water!! So I jump in after it, clothes and all! So I grab my rod that is already under water and gaining speed with every second. And I start reeling and once I get myself back to shore and bring the fish to shore it turns out to be a 25" Catfish. WHAT A DAY!!!!!!
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Just remember to BRING THE ROD HOLDERS!!!![Smile]
thanx for the story curt i lost a rod over the side of the boat one day strange thing was it wasn't in the water went to use it and it was gone never did figure out how it fell over
Great story, I have seen a few rods lost. This winter I say 2-3 ice rods lost, none of them mine!