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I've never fished Utah lake before ,but I'd like to try out for some kitty cats. Where would be the best place to launch a 14ft aluminum with just a 9.8horse to reach the island? Also is there an easy way to know how to get to the island? Thanks for you help.--Licker
launch at lincoln boat harbor and head north about 2 miles you should be able to find the island just look for the birds watch it when you come up to the island you will be on the south side which iunderstand is very shallow
Aquaman is right about where you would want to launch from. The water is low enough now, that you should be able to see the island before launching; if not, stay on the main road (don't turn off down into the marina) and stop on the main road near the point of Lincoln Beach, and you should be able to easily see Bird Island. I have only met one person who has claimed to have been to Bird Island and never dinged his prop. It is best to approach it from the northwest. Also, be aware that the island extends under water for what seems like at least two blocks from the exposed island, and it can be extremely shallow -- and is solid rock. Also, it is an abrupt edge on this shelf, don't expect it to gradually get shallower. Finally, with that small of boat, and that small of outboard, be extremely careful, and it would be prudent to fish it when there are other boats out at the island. Be there tonight and you will have company, because I am going to do an overnighter.
Make that two people that have been to Bird Island and never dinged a prop. Of course, the largest boat we ever took out there was a 17' tri-hull with the outboard tilted all the way up to where it could just keep the water spraying, but couldn't even plane the boat. We were usually in boats 16' or smaller and using the main outboard only when in open water, and the troller once even remotely close to any structure.

Let's see,
1959 15' fiberglass V-bow to flat at the transom. 90h.p. Evinrude with 6.h.p. kicker
19?? 10' fiberglass V-bow to flat transom. Only the 6h.p. kicker
197? 10' fiberglass tri-hull. Only the 6h.p. kicker
1978 17' fiberglass tri-hull. 115 Merc outboard. Same 6h.p. kicker

That's all of the boats I can think of that we took out to the island. All of these are short-shaft design boat and motor. I'm sure that helped a lot.
I guess only being able to afford old, slow, and shallow boats does have advantages. Thanks for pointing one of them out to me. I hadn't been able to come up with one yet.
Congratualations, you are one of the few who can honestly make that claim! And you have been able to do it in several boats to boot. I'm ashamed to admit that I am a member of the "been there dinged my prop on more than one occasion" club. And BTW my current boat is an 18'3" 1978 Starcraft (my newest boat yet) aluminum V-bow. I attribute my first ding to lack of knowledge, I attribute my next ding to lack of patience, and I attribute my last ding to stupidity.
LMAO. Sorry to laugh. I know it isn't funny to have happen, but sounds like you take it well when it happens.

I think the only reason we didn't, was the shallowness of the boats. I can't imagine going out in a deep-V and not hitting. I would like a bigger, deeper V boat, but I don't know that I would dare take it out there. I'd have to buy a smaller boat that ran shallow for the little waters, and for the shallow waters. I would think a 14-16 foot flat bottom skiff with a 15-25h.p. would be perfect for going out there.

The bad side of the smaller boats. Trying to get off Bird Island when the wind kicks up and you're in a 10 footer and only a 6h.p. to get off the lake, you're in for one heck of a ride!
Thanks, everyone for the info. Hopefully I can get into some kitties soon!!
I'm proud to report that I was able to make it out to Bird Island and back without any new dings on the props! I did have a couple ticks (to me this is a close call with the prop ticking the bottom, but no actual damage to the prop),
[unsure]I had to brag about not dinging mine at the island, didn't I. I dinged mine at Starvation. The anchor pulled loose and I hit the rocks before I could get the motor going. Small crack in the lower unit. Luckily, my girlfriends family are all welders. They said they can weld it up for me.