05-31-2002, 06:58 PM
Water stained; 77 degrees; 824.66'<br>BLACK BASS are fair very early on white 1/4 oz. Terminator buzzbaits, topwater poppers and skipping a whacky rigged watermelon/red Scoundrel worm under docks. Pitching 4" Pro Blue Disc Worms (www.bigbitebaits.com) and a red flake 4" Super Tube Heavy along rip rap and stump fields is<br>producing.<br><br>STRIPERS are good but undersized at night on 2" Lit' Fishie Shads and white Curb's jigs. Early topwater bite with larger fish on Spitn' Images.<br><br>WHITE BASS are very good at night under lights using white or chartreuse 1/32 oz. Curb's crappie jigs and Lit'l Fishies (www.cremelure.com) <br><br>CRAPPIE are good at night along boat docks with brushpiles on Curb's crappie jigs, Mini Tails and minnows.<br>FOR INFORMATION OR TO INQUIRE ABOUT A GUIDED FISHING TRIP CONTACT THE ONLY GUIDES WITH OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE ON LAKE LBJ: JR'S GUIDE SERVICE www.jrguideservice.com. Call (830) 833-5688 or email jimfish@moment.net <br><br>JR'S FISHING GUIDE SERVICE <br>Texas Highland Chain and Canyon Lake.