how big of a piece do you use roughly ?
do you use the head or tail, or just the middle ?
I'm just curious on what you's do is all ....
[size 2] [font "Comic Sans MS"] Well it depends on a few things. At different times of the year the actual size of the anchovies you buy will change. The ones I get that are about 3"-4" and skinny, I'll use them whole. The last few bags that I bought were 5"-6" and very fat. So I would cut them into 3 or 4 peices. I use every last bit of the anchovy, some for bait and some for chum (I chum the peices that become too soft to hold on the hook). But it all will get used. You can also vary the size depending the size of fish you're catching, if you're only getting small fish you can use bigger bait. If your only getting bites you can make your bait smaller. Also a little tip it took me several years to figure out. To keep them frozen, I use Dry Ice for the all day or all night trips. But if I'm just going out for a few hours then I use regular ice. [/font] [/size]
[size 2] [font "Comic Sans MS"] David [/font] [/size]