Had a great night at the res. last night 6/12, caught 7 walleye most were around 17" and two keepers at 18" also caught 2 wipers both 20" and a few smallies along with one largemouth. As much as I'm sick of watching bass fishing shows its always an unexpected treat to catch a largemouth at Pueblo. I was trolling around Denver cove where the muddy and clear water meet, most of the action was at dusk. I sure would like to try to find some crappy, has anyone had much luck finding them around this time of year?
Tried Pueblo out again yesterday, went after all the serious rain showers, but still got wet. Caught 3 wiper 2 19" 1 20" and also lost one and 6 walleye all around 16" to 17" but the action is still great.
What's the water level like at Pueblo now? Have you all gotten the soaking rains this month that we have up around Denver? Does Pueblo still have a good crappie population?
The water level has dropped about 4 to 5 feet since its highest point in March and has been pretty stable for the past few weeks due to runoff. We have had a few great down pours lately but the weeks prior were really dry. I think there's still at least a decent crapie population but I haven't specfically went after them for ages. What other lakes have a good populations of them?
Is Pueblo usually a good reservoir to fish? are there big fish in there?
Youre a moderator, you should know all of this info already!!![sly] Geeez, whats up with the Colorado board? Maybe after I retire from the Air Force I will move back there and "take care of business" for BFT Colorado!!![laugh] Anyhow, the Pueblo Res. has tons of fish in it. The record Wiper was caught out of there and it also produces some really nice rainbows and browns too. Dont forget about the walleye, it has some dandies in there too!!! Go down, get your boat wet, target some fish and you will be hooked, literally!!! Trust ME!!!
Lol, thanks I will get down there.
Okay, trout_slayer-
Come on down and "take care of business". More than happy to have you. And don't beat up the new guy. [

Jason- Pueblo is probably the best all around warmwater fishery in the state. Lots of forage (shad), so it grows big fish, but it makes it a little tough to catch them sometimes. It has big wipers (world record class), big walleyes, LMB, SMB, spotted bass, and channel cats. It will fill this Spring for the first time in years. The hope is that will make for a ghood crappie spawn. It used to be a wonderful crappie lake, too.
My dad still lives there in Pueblo and fishes the Res. all the time. I need to get him to sign up, maybe he already has, just hasnt said anything (reports) since no one else does on the Colorado Board[

]!!! Just giving you guys crap. Anyhow, I talked to my Dad on Sunday and he said that the Res. is completly full now and has been for a couple weeks. You can see the dam from his house and I guess one day the wind was whipping through pretty good and you could see the water splashing over the dam from his front porch. Get down there, he is catching everything down there now and he is usually the only one on the water. He said it is the best fishing he has ever experienced on the Pueblo Res!!!!!!
The water is still awfully cold, and there is even some ice floating today. What does he say hed's catching?? I find it hard to believe that he is experiencing his best fishing ever there. I know some awfully good fisherman who are being blanked at Pueblo right now.
And Pueblo is going to be a boating access nightmare this year with the new mandatory zebra mussel inspections announced today. I'll post that info in a separate thread.
believe it or not i know TS, and hes right. best bet on a slow day. head towards the Pueblo west marina, take the right on the gravel road before you enter the park and follow the signs to the boat ramp. fish the stumps and turkey creek to your hearts conotent.
Thanks for deleting my previous comment/post on here[mad] I guess "if you cant take the heat, then get out of the kitchen"!!!
I didn't delete anything. Maybe Jason did. What did you post? I'll bet it wasn't the details of all those fantastic catches that we asked for.
Blade baits and buzz bombs (odd as that sounds) and the old man says hes slaying the wall eyes. i can believe it. biggest he has gotten was close to 13 pounds last year. so far this year he says 7 pounds. unless TS has talked to him more recently then i, which was a few weeks ago. anywho blades baits (silver or gold, you have to find what works) near drop offs. buzz bombs (rainbow, and white) near shoals and the road bed ( south west side of the Res).
Thanks. I appreciate the info. If the zebra mussel find doesn't foul up access and boating hours, with the lake filling this year, this could be the start of a truly awesome period of years for Pueblo. Have you seen the pig bass in there? Holy mackerel they are in great shape! I predict a state record smallmouth and a state record spot from Pueblo in the next 2 or 3 years. And it's very likely there is a world record wiper in there.
Good luck! And thanks again for your contribution.
Who deleted what? go ahead and post it again.