Fishing Forum

Full Version: D.C. report 6-12
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Fished DC this evening 6-9pm,weather was great,the fishing a little slow.NO eyes agian this trip,maybe had a few hook ups not for sure if they were eyes.Did catch a couple of rainbows while fishing for eyes.But the story of the night goes to my 6 yrs old daughter,fishing at the honey hole for smallies were getting a few to bite(not as fast as it has been) and she says "daddy i think i have a snag on the rocks" so i go over to check (she is using a ice fishing pole 4ft") and i pulled up on it and it was no snag becasue it was comming up but it was heavy.I first thought it was a nice eye but when it came to the surface it was a huge smallie!!!![shocked][shocked] i would say it was about 17" 1 1/2 - 2lbs.biggest smaillie i have ever seen at DC.she was so excited and now she is one up on her old man!..I have never caught a smallie that big in the years i have been fishing for them.Its so cool to see a little girls reaction to a fish that big.I forgot the camera in my truck[crazy][crazy] i am so mad about it!!!..Oh well that fat hog is up there in the honey hole to fight another day!..just a side note had another rude skier come within 30 yrds of us while bass fishing..WOW..i guess its to hard for them to use the middle of the lake when there were only 4 boats left on the lake..I am really not liking skiers.Some people.[mad][mad]
Hey thats good your little girl caught the big one! Thats how it supposed to work right! I hate water skiers period! I have chased my share when i had my boat.I would cast just a heavy weight toward tthem and scare the crap out of them.And give them a warning come near me while i am fishing and be prepared to be hooked.Thats 2 bad you forgot your camera .