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i just got my first bow a Browning Rage i bought it at cabelas so now over the summer i can practice so when season comes i'll be ready for that monster buck[Tongue]
Once you start bowhunting you will never want to do anything else but bowhunt. Well if you are like me anyways. I have been using the bow for about 20 years now and have taken 75% of all my deer by bow. It makes you respect your quarry alot more and helps to teach stealth and patience. Although once you have a whitetail come in closer than 10yds. it is hard to maintain breathing among anything else. Good luck and remember to practice alot and always be certain of where,what you are aiming at.[Smile]
dont forget to put your stand up and practice from there. remember that your range changes when you go up in a tree or stand.

a simple trick is to use a rope or twine with a not tied in it at your different ranges set on your bow site. tie one side up in your stand and pull the first knot out to where it touches the ground and place a marker and target. do the marker thing when you are hunting as well and you will bring more deer with out having to track them down as much. and better yet you wont have any walking off dead deer.[Wink]
Your in for a big surprise if you think getting big bucks is easy with a bow.
Don't forget to use your saftey belt , even while target practicing from a elevated stand !!!

Didnt you know that clown are full of hot air? we are so full of it if I step off the branch I would float there [url "javascript: addTag('sly')"][sly][/url]

Good to see ya sneekin in for a minute to the library, Dwight said he sent it to you and it came back undeliverable, he needs your number and address again, you may want to drop him a line or two on a pm or if you want to call him and dont have his number let me know...
Thanks you guys for trying , but just got the new one hooked up today , so I won't be needing it anymore !!! Yee Haaaaa !!!
