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[url ""][#800080]U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance[/#800080][/url] -- USSA -- The US Sportsmen's Alliance (Formerly the Wildlife Legislative Fund of America) provides direct lobbying and grassroots coalition support to protect and advance the rights of hunters, fishermen, trappers and scientific wildlife management professionals. This is accomplished through coalition building, ballot issue campaigning and legislative and government relations.

• [url ""][#800080]National Rifle Association[/#800080][/url] -- NRA -- You believe in the Constitution, staunch in the defense of your rights, and you actively pursue some of this country's finest traditions -- Hunting and Sports Shooting. Since its incorporation in 1871, the NRA has grown as a service organization involved in all aspects of the shooting sports and a proud defender of the Bill of Rights.

• [url ""][#800080]National Shooting Sports Foundation[/#800080][/url] -- NSSF -- You believe in the Constitution, staunch in the defense of your rights, and you actively pursue some of this country's finest traditions -- Hunting and Sports Shooting. Since its incorporation in 1871, the NRA has grown as a service organization involved in all aspects of the shooting sports and a proud defender of the Bill of Rights.

• [url ""][#551a8b]:: Buckmasters American Deer Foundation ::[/#551a8b][/url] You've just arrived at the most comprehensive site for [b]disabled hunters on the web! We have information and links on various forms ...
[#008000] [/#008000][url ""][#800080]Ward Burton Wildlife Foundation[/#800080][/url] -- WBWF[/b]-- You believe in the Constitution, [url ""][#551a8b]Disabled Hunters[/#551a8b][/url] Disabled Hunters Resources. I wanted to create a section on our site for disabled hunters. ... United Bowhunters of Pennsylvania Disabled Hunters Program. ...
[#008000] [/#008000]staunch in the defense of your rights, and you actively pursue some of this country's finest traditions -- Hunting and Sports Shooting. Since its incorporation in 1871, the NRA has grown as a service organization involved in all aspects of the shooting sports and a proud defender of the Bill of Rights[url ""][#0000cc]The Alliance for Disabled Sportsmen Rights[/#0000cc][/url] ... law. This law, for the first time, legalizes crossbows and modified bows for disabled hunters in the State of Rhode Island. In response ...
[#008000] - 14k [/#008000][url ""][#0000cc]UBP Disabled Hunters Project[/#0000cc][/url] United Bowhunters Of Pennsylvania Disabled Hunters Program. 2004. Goals of this program are: To help disabled hunters from PA experience the thrill of hunting. ...
[#008000] - 15k [/#008000][url ""][#551a8b]Hunting and Fishing for People with Disabilities[/#551a8b][/url] A place where hunters and fishermen with disabilities can meet and share information. ...
[#008000] HuntingandFishingforPeoplewithDisabilities/_homepage.msnw?pgmarket=en-us - 28k - Jun 14, 2004 [/#008000][url ""][#0000cc]Jesses Hunting & Outdoors (JHO) -> Disabled Hunters[/#0000cc][/url] ... Disabled Hunters. Topic ... plotthound. Pinned: Helpful Disabled Hunter Links, spectr17, 7, 277, 18th October 2003 - 07:30 PM Last Post by: rimshot. ...
[#008000] - 64k [/#008000][url ""][#551a8b]WDFW -- Disabled Hunter Road Access Entry Program[/#551a8b][/url] ... Complaints. Disabled Hunter Road Access Entry Program. ... Your Disabled Hunter Permit number must appear on the cards in order for you to qualify for the drawing. ...
[#008000] accessibility/roadaccess.htm - 28k [/#008000][url ""][#0000cc]Todd Albaugh's Handicapped Hunting Resource Guide[/#0000cc][/url] ... TL Weatherby Outfitter & Guide Service helps any disabled hunters needs!!! For ... Harsens Island Platform helps disabled hunters out! Pics ...
[#008000] - 6k - Jun 15, 2004 [/#008000][url ""][#0000cc] Viewing forum: Disabled Hunters[/#0000cc][/url] ... Special Topics >> Disabled Hunters, ... number of disabled hunters, plotthound, 111, 9, 10/03/03 02:38 PM by jackjr60. New to the forum ~ sorta... ...
[#008000] postlist.php?Cat=&Board=UBB43 - 85k - [/#008000][url ""][#6f6f6f]Cached[/#6f6f6f][/url] - [url ""][#6f6f6f]Similar pages[/#6f6f6f][/url]
[cool]hey deymere, how ya doin?? well i,m surprized, at pennsylvania not havin the crossbow fer the disabled hunters until now. vermont has hd it since i was a kid i believe, and i,m surprized at vermont, generally they dont do nothin till someone else pushes em to do it. ya know?? but i,m glad. bout time! the disabled git to do what they still love as everyone else. i dont know how many years it took them to even git a ramop in so ma could pay the taxes, or git to the post office without usin the stairs which she couldnt. so i did it. but htat aint the point. thye dont want ot spend money on us. who can,t do as oithers do. and tha,s rotten. we got life too. later well i,m glad they doin somethin finally. later mare[Smile]
doing ok neice almost died she stoped breathing haveing lots of problems here with her healthso if i dont win the most pics and best aurther of the the year ,it is because my neiceis really sick and i have had my hands full,really hadnt had time to keep up with the demand of my pages and all was go to talk to dave about it because i enjoy this so much i dont want to lose my place here.but my family has to come before all and she is just fighting to stay in there right now and not sure what i can do to help her with but i havs\e to try. james.
Lets bring this back up to the top because it is very important information. Thanks Daymere
you the man
No, no Daymere, Yo the Man!
no,no,no you are da man