06-13-2002, 01:03 PM
Catfish are still on the rocks. The blue cats are still spawning and some channels have not finished spawning. Nightcrawlers and leeches tipped with shrimps are really hot baits. Bluegill are finishing their spawn, but some are still hanging around the beds. Meal worms and crickets are good baits. Largemouth are good. Smaller fish are being caught close to shore. The bigger largemouths are on the drop offs. Carolina rigged worms are best. Deep running crankbaits are also a good choice. Crappie are showing up on the secondary drops. Some good fish have been caught on curly jigs and minnows. Whitebass are good on the hot days when the current is up. When the clouds are out and the current slow, whitebass will slow. A Mepps Long is catching good. Fish the Mepps Long on 6# and 8# line just off the bottom.<br><br>TIP: Whitebass like current.<br><br>BITS AND PIECES: "IF". If what?<br><br>www.kentuckylakebarkley.com