[size 2] [font "Comic Sans MS"] I have another question to throw out there for anyone to field. Over the last several months I have accumulated quite a few bags of plastic everything, (worms, grubs, etc......) I was wondering what people use to store them or do you just keep them in the bags they come in. How should they be stored?
[size 2] [font "Comic Sans MS"] David
i had been storing mine in a regular worm proof clear tackle carrier but as i carry my tackle in a back pack and i can only carry six tackle packs with three being taken up by plastics and i needed more room for plugs i recently moved all mine into zip lock baggies and added some scent into each bag as a bonus
[size 2] [font "Comic Sans MS"] Once again thanks Chris. I thought about using Zip-lock bags (more plyable), but wasn't sure.
[size 2] [font "Comic Sans MS"] David
it can be a little bit of a pain in the butt finding the right worm or such your looking for when you have 20 some odd baggies but all in all i'm happy with the way it work out
Hey powermaker, I use these kind of wraps. It allows you to file them and keep them assorted by colors.
[url "http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/pod/standard-pod-wrapped.jhtml?id=0023088&navAction=push&navCount=9&indexId=cat600036&parentId=cat600036&parentType=index&rid=&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fcatalog%2Fpod-link.jhtml_A&_DAV=MainCatcat20166 "]
![[Image: p023088sq01.jpg]](http://a1460.g.akamai.net/f/1460/1339/6h/www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/content/Pod/02/30/88/p023088sq01.jpg)
[size 1]Copy and paist this link in to your address bar to go directly to cabela's to order this product.[/size]
[size 1]http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/pod/standard-pod-wrapped.jhtml?id=0023088&navAction=push&navCount=9&indexId=cat600036&parentId=cat600036&parentType=index&rid=&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fcatalog%2Fpod-link.jhtml_A&_DAV=MainCatcat20166[/size][size 1] [/size]
[size 2] [font "Comic Sans MS"] Thanks for the tip, tubeN2. I'll check into them but I'll look at some place else to get them. I'm not a fan of Cabela's and they don't deserve any of my business.
[size 2] [font "Comic Sans MS] David
carry what you are ging to use and keep the rest in a dark cool place. yes even the fridge or freezer will keep them fresher for an extreamly long time. I do this with my animal ballons as well.
plastics and rubbers deteriorate in heat and sunlight. so keep it kool....
i have way to many plastics. i carry them now in my tacklebox in the compartments but it gets to be to much of a hassle. i was thinking about getting that one from cabelas.
I have one of the worm binders and it worked good until the bags started splitting out. So I went to the store and got a box of zip lock freezer bags and they work great and are alot cheaper. Plus you don't have to order them if one tears or you need more you can just stop by the store. the freezer bags are alittle heavier than the regular one.
There are many fishing stores that carry that same product by Tackle Logic. I bought mine locally at a sporting goods place. You might even check and see if one of our sponsors has them or to find a distributor of them near you, use the Google search link at the bottom of my post.[cool]
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] Thanks all for the tips. tubeN2, I'll check out the stuff from Tackle Logic but until then I guess it's baggy time. Once again thanks for all the ideas.
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] David
You could always make your own as well. I started off using the sanwich style Ziplocs and putting a collection of them inside a bigger ziploc. I was easier to manage on a float tube.[cool]
I learned the hard way. I kept my plastics in the tackle box in a back corner of my garage, thinking that they would keep nice and cool. But last summer during a particularly hot spell, everthing in my box that wasn't metal melted. Definately wasn't fun throwing away a lot of tackle.
[size 2] [font "Comic Sans MS"] That doesn't sound like much fun. I'm the desert Southwest so garage storage isn't an option. I have a small area in my bedroom closet dedicated for tackle storage.
[size 2] [font "Comic Sans MS"] David
that happened to me once, not only did I have to throw away much tackle, I ended up trowing the box away as well. whe plastic worms when they melted ate the plastic on my repallas and even ate through the shelves of my plastic tackle box.
I emagine that todays plastics wont do this any more, at least I hope they are advanced enough I wont have to can my next box. back then we just layed our plastics on the shelves of the box next to or on top of our other lures. we did not have all the fancy do dads we got now to keep our plastics in. I refused to buy another plastic worm for a good 20 years because of that one bad insodent.