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Full Version: Flaming Gorge: 6/23 to 6/25/04
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[size 1]Ok, here's my report;

Took the grandson to the Confluence of the Gorge and had a great time and great fishing. No pictures, may post if I get em developed soon enough. Fished from the tube and shore. Let the grandson try out the float tube but had the best success from shore. Used a variety of small plastics (pulse worms, curly tails, meatheads) on 1/32 and 1/16 oz. jigs. They seem to like the darker colors best. 60% of the fish kept had eggs in various stages of ripeness. Day time temperatures were about 80 deg. and nice except for a little wind and showers one evening. Water temperature was 71 degrees, mid day in the bays. Warms up quicker in the northern part of the Gorge. Size weren't big but decent, most ranging from 10 1/2 to 12 in. and several from 13-15 1/2 which were especially fun.

I've consistently noticed one good indicator of smallie spawn. Every time I've seen the carp in the shallows spawning, etc. the smallies were active in the shallows. Any comments? We were visited by the field mice in our tent trailer and probably brought them home with me again.[shocked] Ran out of propane for my tent trailer (forgot to fill) and had to use a camp fire for cooking but actually my grandson enjoyed that even more. He hasn't been a big fish eater in the past, but he said they sure tasted good and now wants more fish meals. LOL [/size]

[size 1]One thing kind of bothers me. Have used my Cuda 168 both times at the Gorge and am able to locate and verify fish in specific areas but don't have nearly the success catching as I do walking the banks????? Is that because I allready know the right areas and have better mobility walking? Tube and sonar puts em down even though I'm casting away from the tube? When casting from tube I'm casting towards shore, predominately and when on the shore I'm casting out and retrieving towards shore? Learning the use of sonar? All the above? Anything else?

[Smile]Leaky [/size]
[cool][blue][size 1]Hey Leaky, I'm jealous. Sounds like you had a great trip. Having the younguns along and having them enjoy their experience makes it even better.[/size][/blue]

[#0000ff][size 1]Too bad about the propane. A "senior moment"? As long as you had firewood and could do the open fire thing, that worked out.[/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]I don't know what you are asking about the carp and the smallies, but there are a couple of possibilities...from this viewpoint. It could either be that the spawning periods for the carp and the smallies overlap and they are both using the same areas. It could also be that the carp are hanging around the spawning smallies and slurping up the eggs when they get a chance. I would guess the latter. Carp are notorious for liking spawn omelettes of other species.[/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]Don't know what to tell you about the sonar, except what I have always pointed out. They are not so much to find feeding fish as to find the right bottom conditions and to keep you fishing in the right depth. When the fish are crowding the shoreline, and feeding shallow, you can often do as well fishing from shore. When they move out into deeper water and are feeding away from shore, that's when you realize more value from the sonar.[/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]There can sometimes be a difference in casting out from shore and casting in to shore. If the fish are targeting crawdads, they will be looking for food to be acting like the crawdads are at that time. Early in the morning, the crawdads are sometimes moving back towards deeper water. Later in the day, they often move shallower in the declining light. Then, again, the fish might hit something acting different on a reaction bite.[/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]Whenever you find fish away from the bank, they can be in a neutral or inactive mode. Even when you jiggle something tasty in front of their noses they may not react. But, when the dinner bell rings, they can suddenly turn on and you can get lots of bites from the same fish that turned their noses up at you earlier. I can't figure them out either. But, don't blame it on either yourself or the sonar.[/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]There are times when I am casting to fish along the shoreline that I simply turn off the sonar. It is not that the sonar spooks fish, but there is no need to watch TV if you know where the fish are, and are not using electronics to find deeper fish. And, instead of casting in to shore, try to determine what "zone" is most productive and cast parallel to the shore. That keeps your lure in fishy water longer on each cast. With a light breeze at your back, you can kick to control your drift and let yourself move progressively down the bank, fishing as you go.[/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]Having underwater eyes is only part of the equation. Finding fish is no guarantee of catching them. That is the most frustrating part of having sonar is seeing how many fish your AREN'T catching. But, it does serve to keep you alert and anticipating...just in case you do get a bite and you can be ready for it.[/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]The more you use the sonar and the better you become at reading the display, the more you realize that it is useful for much besides just finding a fishy icon with an open mouth. But, THAT would be helpful if we could get a model to show the ones most willing to bite.[/size][/#0000ff]
[size 1][shocked]Quite a dissertation again Tube,

We may be overdoing[/size][blue] [/blue][size 1]this subject a little and losing interest from others but ------- just for fun, ok[/size][size 1] [/size][blue] [/blue][size 1]?

Need to clarify what I was mentioning as kind of an aside with a little minutia[/size][blue] [/blue][size 1]. On both of my trips to the Gorge the float tube was used during mid morning, first trip by me, and second trip by my grandson. On both ocasion[/size][blue] [/blue][size 1]we fished the exact some spots from the tube and from the shore and caught very few from the tube while catching a lot from shore. The last trip we were both casting in the exact same spot, he in the tube, and I was catching and he wasn't! Happenstanc[/size][blue] [/blue][size 1]? My best guess is that without realizing the tube fisherman was fishing deeper water and negative fish as you suggested. Enough of that.

Carp spawning - A brief investigation[/size] [size 1]on the net indicates they spawn at temps[/size] [size 1]. of 17-25 C and there is a another theory of "1000 deg.[/size] [size 1]day" which involves adding [/size][size 1][/size]temps[blue] [/blue][size 1]. of 20 C until a 1000. But enough of that - my point is that at these particular [/size][size 1]times the carp seem to be spawning and may have close to the same spawning cycle (in this area) as the smallies[/size] [size 1]. If reasonably accurate or even with your theory, it is a very visible[/size][size 1][blue] [/blue], convenient clue to good fishing times for smallies[/size][blue] [/blue][size 1], at least in this area. [/size]

[size 1]As far as the use of my fish finder, it may appear that i'm not paying good attention to your schooling but I am. I recognize what you have explained on several occasions and will continue to work at it. Need to learn reading deep water strucure and deep water fishing techniques for more negative fish. Also need to try out athe side look technique sometime.[/size]

[size 1]Hey, I enjoy these little talks, Thanks. [Wink] Leaky[/size]

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Hey there leaky,

Even though I don't fish the area, your thread was still interesting and I learned just a little more today.

Appreciation to you and all posters,

[cool][blue][size 1]Back atcha, Leaky. I hope you did not think I am picking on you, or suggesting that you ain't been payin' attention in class. I recognize you as a savvy fisherguy and one who knows the basics...and what to pay attention to. I have no doubt that your observations are right on target and that you were merely opening things up for some input and opinions from others. That's all I can ever own opinions. Sometimes they are like all other free advice...worth exactly what you pay for them.[/size][/blue]

[#0000ff][size 1]One of the great pleasures in fishing is to be able to observe what is going on and then to figure out what you are observing and how to take advantage of it. Scoring big time is not always possible, but it sure is fun when a plan comes together.[/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]I have a theory, though. Anytime you ask a question, that begins with the word WHY...and it has to do with people or fish...there is not likely to be an easy answer. I guess I could have made a sexist remark, or modified my theory to include only WOMEN and fish, but that might have gotten me in more trouble than I am usually in.[/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]The only thing you can know for sure about fish is that if they bite during certain conditions on one trip, you are likely to get lucky if you can find those same conditions on other trips. But, that ain't always the case. Just when you think you got 'em figgered out, they will find some way to humble you again.[/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]The more I think I learn about fish and fishing, the more I find out I don't know. I never claim to know all the answers. Heck, I still don't know all the questions.[/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]Anyway, it is fun to be able to have open dialog on such issues without having to dodge nasty comments from idiots and flamers, like we have experienced on some boards. Right?[/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]And, hey JapanRon, good to have you pop in once in awhile. I guess you didn't go north for the shad this year either, huh?[/size][/#0000ff]
Bring on the questions leaky! The more information we all get, the better. Nice report!
Very nice report Leaky. I always enjoy gettin out with my son as well. I'm glad most of the trip worked without a hitch. Your propane situation reminds me of the checklist that I go over with my son.

Then when we get to the lake to fish, and didn't bring something, we revert to the list and concur that "If it aint on the list, how could we check it off as accomplished in the first place"

We are looking forward to any of your pics when you get them.