Fishing Forum

Full Version: hey here is the beauty fish i caught at the weber river
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hey all how's it going well i went to the weber river today and here is the biggest fish i caught on a pheasent tail nymph beauty aint she[Image: TheStuffofDreams.jpg]
that is a very nice brown you caught.[Smile]
Awesome fish! He must have given you a pretty good run!
[cool][#800000][size 2]Hey there FishingChamp - that sure is a great looking fish. What weight rod were you using?[/size][/#800000]
hey i caught it on a #6 rod it put up a heck of a fight it was way fun i want to go up to the weber again hey if you dont go to the weber flyfishing go up there with worms man i was knocking the snot out of them with worms

good luck on your next fishing trip
That's a beautiful fish. The Weber River always provides some good entertainment.
Very nice fish. How much did it weigh?
it weighed 81/3 pound it was a big one he put up a nice fight
WOW! Thats about like the ones I used to catch on the Beaverhead in Montana. Beautiful. Al
Great Fish! Nice photo too!
congradulations on a nice catch.

you may not know this yet or maybe you do, but just incase, We have a fishing contest running at this site.

you can check on the scores by clicking on the link under the frog at the bottom of my post and you can enter the contest by hitting the link on score page or go directly to the [url ";sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;"][size 1][#ff0000]The Ultimate 16 Species Fishing Contest 2004 [/#ff0000][/size][/url] on the [url ";"][#ff0000][size 1]Fishing Tournaments and Events[/size][/#ff0000][/url]
board. there you can see all the entries before they are scored. These guys on the contest there arent afraid of a little compitition...

Jump in there and see if you can knock that Clown down from first place on the fresh water division, [sly]
Where on the Weber were you fishing?
not his fish, not even a utah fish, new zeland fish,

[url ""][/url]
yes... this is a great fish