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so i take a tubing trip to my favorite little trout lake for a couple of hours of fishing this is a lake known for being a very hard lake to catch fish mainly because you can not use bait lures only so i flippered my butt all the way to the far bank and jigged a 1" tube in 30' of water got three bites and only one fish a beutiful 15" brook trout my smallest to date but still considered a hog in utah
Where is the pic of the hog Chris?[Wink]
i wish i had a picture but its hard to get one on a float tube by yourself check out the fuzzyfisher challange and you will see a pic. of a 21" brook i got out of the same lake this year

[size 2] [font "comic Sans MS"] Here's a picture of a 5" monster Striper I pulled out of Lake Mead a few weeks ago. Note the hook still in his mouth, it's a long shanked 1/0 hook. To date this is the smallest Striper I have ever caught although he did put up a "little" fight. LOL

[size 2] [font "comic Sans MS"] David

[Image: tinystriper.jpg]
he's a cute little guy i think i would have cast him back out for bait ( if legel )
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] The idea did cross my mind but the whole game fish/bait law kept rolling through my head. Being the law biding citizen that I am couldn't do it. However, I was half tempted to take it home and put it in my backyard pond.

[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] David
now that would have been cool feed him goold fish and see how big it would have got